Lovely Louis

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"So how are we going to deliver the news to Dan?", I ask the two boys sitting on the couch across from me. Liam puts his hand on his chin before I continue, "We can't just say "hey Dan we're leaving." Or can we?". Louis lets out an airy laugh, "I don't think we can do that love.", he says across the living room. After searching a bit on his phone, Liam finally says, "We can't leave unless we have a "logical reason to do so".". A certain feeling absorbs the atmosphere in the room, leaving all of us stumped. I stand up from the gray chair my bottom inhabited, causing two pairs of eyes to fall upon me. The eyes watch me as I pace back and forth in the room. "What are yo-", Liam begins, but I quickly shush him from stopping my thought process. The final thought finally arrives in my head, and I quickly exit the living room, being followed by Liam and Louis. I scan the fridge looking for a certain business card that I placed there with a magnet weeks ago, a few minutes later my eyes find the black business card. Ripping off the card, I walk a few steps over to the other two. I shove the card into Liam's hand, causing him to scan over the info. "A lawyer..?", he asks with confusion on his face. Louis quickly puts his hands on my shoulders, gently shaking me as he talks, "You genius! I knew he married you for a reason!", he says, causing a loud laughter to move through my lips. Realization falls upon Liam's brain, "We sue him for mistreatment.".
-Months Later-

Thoughts race through my head as I softly tap my feet on the tile floor below me. The clicks from my shoes become quiet as someone makes their way closer to Liam and me. A cough brings my attention from the floor, I look up to see three figures dressed similarly to Liam. We each hug and interchange conversations but are soon interrupted by our lawyer. "Sorry to interrupt, but it's time.", She states and ushers us to the courtroom. Liam and I take a seat at the front table, next to our lawyer. I turn around to take a quick look behind me, making eye contact with Niall who flashes me a smile. I send one back to him before turning back around to face the judge. The trial begins causing an unsettling feeling in my stomach to form, I place a comforting hand on my stomach, trying to calm whatever feeling is happening. Liam glances my way but adverts his attention back to the judge.

"Good morning everyone, today we have a contract dispute between the Payne family and Republic Records.", Judge Sanders announces to the entire courtroom. A few words of information are passed between everyone in the room before our lawyer speaks. "Your Honor, my clients discovered their pregnancy months ago, and are almost to full term. Just like any parents, they want to protect their child. The Payne family have been in the spotlight for many years, so their safety is more at risk than most.", Dayna spoke aloud . I look up at Judge Sanders who simply nods to Dayna's statement.

Grabbing the folder off the table in front of us, Dayna scans through multiple documents before pulling out the correct one. "Evidence number one, Your Honor.", she peaks as she hands Judge Sanders the paper. Judge Sanders skims through the information on the document as Dayna continues to speak. "Per Republic Records policy, clients are allowed to have complete access to their social media accounts,", Dayna makes her way back in front of our table, "but the Payne's contract mentions that they are not aloud to post, like, or comment on any posts unless a "Media Expert" tells them to do so.". Judge Sanders raises his hand, signaling Dayna to stop talking. "Mr. Sanchez is this correct?", He questions Dan, receiving a nod in response, "What is the reason for the differences in contracts?", Judge Sanders questions Dan again.

"Well, umm..,", Dan begins while staring at the tile floor beneath him, "we, as a company, decided that we didn't want fans coming to wrong conclusions.". He raises his head and continues talking, "The change in contract allowed us to control the messages that Y/N and Liam were sending to their fans.". Memories of Simon flood through my brain, and I imagine the same thing is happening to the other four. Liam's hand reaches over to mine to deliver a quick squeeze of comfort. The trial continues for two more hours, before the jury leaves to make their decision.

My stomach begins to grow a dull pain, discomfort forming on my face. "You alright Y/N?", Harry speaks over the small divider separating us. I nod before speaking, "Yeah, I've just been having really bad morning sickness with the baby.". Niall then speaks up, "It's so insane to think that in 2-3 weeks, you both will be parents.". Liam and I smile at each other, enjoying the company of our friends. Liam goes to start another conversation but is quickly interrupted by the jury returning back into the room. We all return our seats, nervously waiting for any answers. "Your Honor, we believe that Republic Records has taken advantage of the Payne family, as well as formed an unsafe and inadequate workspace.", a member from the jury speaks. Judge Sanders then goes into more detail about our contract ending, and also mentions that we can sue the record label for damages if we feel the need to. Liam reaches over to pull me into a hug, which is soon joined by three other bodies. A few seconds pass by, "This might just be the baby...but does anyone else want to go home and have ice cream?", I speak in the middle of the group hug causing laughter to fill the courtroom.
———————————————————————————I thank Niall after he finishes squeezing the chocolate syrup onto my ice cream. "Welcome Y/N/N, hopefully my niece or nephew loves ice cream just as much as I do.", he says, causing a chuckle to come out of my mouth, and the memories from our "ice cream dates" come flashing back into my head. "How long does it take Liam and Harry to go to the grocery store down the street?", Louis asks in a groan. "Oh, calm down Tommo, Harry probably can't decide what flavor he wants.", Niall begins, "And sorry about eating the rest of your ice cream.". I shake my head with a smile, letting him know I was not mad. The overwhelming feeling of having to use the bathroom rushes through my body, so I excuse myself from the kitchen island. I make my way into the bathroom, frantically trying to get myself on the toilet before I pee my pants. Cuss words fly out of my mouth as my pants begin to become wet...but then realization hits me. I did not pee my pants, fright washes over me.

I rush back into the kitchen, immediately out of breath from running. " okay Y/N/N?", Louis asks me as he stands up from his barstool, walking over to me. "No.", I answer as I look down. "Did you...pee your pants?", Niall asks from behind him. Louis processes the sight in front of him, "No you idiot! Her water broke.", he says with wide eyes. Niall stands up and rushes over with his phone, calling Liam. Louis wraps his arm around my shoulder and leads me over to a chair, trying to help me remain calm. Niall takes a deep breath before speaking into the phone speaker, "Hey mate, you might want to hurry back home.".

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