A Day with Niall

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[July 16, 2015]

Once we arrived in Canada, Niall mentioned taking me out to drink. "It's legal here Y/N, you're 20.", he tired for the fifth time. I shrug before speaking, "You know I've never drank before Ni, I kinda wanna do it surrounded by everyone not just somewhere in public.". He nods, but continues to push the idea. I finally submit to him, "Fine. But you can only have a few drinks because you're in charge of me.". He laughs and agrees with the plan.

I go through my suitcase trying to find my cute jeans, but can seem to find them anywhere. A finger pokes me on the shoulder, I turn to find a smiling Harry behind me. "Here's your jeans love, the boys snuck them into my suitcase to see if I'd wear them.", he states before handing me the jeans. I thank him while laughing. I begin getting ready, nothing to fancy, since I know I want to be comfortable for whatever happens tonight.

I walk to the front of the hotel lobby to find Niall with a security guard. "Ready to go dear?", the Irish accent asks me. I nod before following them all out to the van.

~Time skip~

The security guard sits a few chairs down from us, to keep an eye on us without being invasive. "So what do we do now?", I whisper to Niall. He lets out a famous Horan laugh before ordering myself and him a drink. I pay no attention to the name, but realize it's something I've seen him drink multiple times. Niall then raises his glass to me, bringing mine up to his, I toast him. "To friendship.", he states, and I repeat him. We then get lost in conversation, we talk about the band, the tour, the fans, and more.

Time goes by, after my sixth drink, Niall decides to decline the bartender. "Alright love, I think we need to get you home.", he states. I let out a slight giggle and look at his face. I notice how things look differently than usual, kind of blurry. "Please Ni, lets just stay for a few more.", I slur while giving him puppy eyes. He shakes his head, and begins to grab my arm to drag me to the van. I try to quickly make an exit outside of the bar, but end up tripping on the barstool next to me. Laughter begins, but it isn't from the person it usually is. Niall is instead calm and worried. He helps me stand up and begins to lead me to the van again with the help of the security guard.

We make it in the backseats of the van, Niall then pulls out his phone to shine his flashlight on my face. He lets out a breath of air, "Jesus love, you're gonna have a black eye from the chair.", he says with a soft laugh. I begin to worry, "Oh my god, Simon is gonna kill me Niall.". Niall calms me and hands me his jacket, mentioning how I have goosebumps.

We arrive at the hotel, and Niall allows me to ride on his back. The security guard lets us into the room, and Niall thanks him before saying goodbye. After shutting the door we are greeted by three faces. "So, how'd it go?", Liam asks us. Louis comes closer to me before speaking up, "How did you get a black eye Y/N/N?". After letting the room aware I am then swarmed by two more boys asking questions. Niall quickly mentions the situation, and it makes the boys let out a few laughs.

Liam helps me take a quick shower, he somehow managed to do this without seeing any of my body. "Y/N love I really need you stay still.", Liam request me. He tries to brush my hair again, I laugh, which causes him to look at me. "You're gonna do something dumb again aren't you?", he simply asks. I stand up, nod, and sprint out of the bathroom. I hear Liam hot on my trail, before announcing to the rest of the boys. "Lads we have a runner! I repeat code red!", he yells into the large room. Grunts start, and Niall speaks up, "Dammit Y/N, not again!".

Soon all four are chasing after me, after a few minutes the boys stop to catch their breath. "How does she escape every time, she is literally the smallest out of all of us?", Harry asks. I begin to run in a straight line back in forth, burning some of the energy I had left. "Wait, hold on for a few minutes lads.", Louis starts. Once I turn around to run back to the wall near him, he gets closer to me. I make a sharp turn to run the opposite way. Louis then follows me, grabbing the hood of Nialls jacket causing me to fall to the ground. My body and head make a small smack on the ground. Tiredness taking over me, I quietly fall asleep.

~Nialls POV~

Gasps fill the room, Liam then reaches down to the [your hair color] haired girl on the ground. He brings two fingers her neck, "She's okay. Still breathing.". Sighs happen before the attention is turned towards Louis. "Hey, do you dumbasses think I would really kill her?", he asks offended. We all laugh and begin to get Y/N ready for the night. Lifting her up, Liam softly puts her onto his bed, pulling the covers over her.

We all exit the room and sit in the living room for a few more hours. "Uh oh.", Harry says out of the random. Turning towards him, we all wait for an explanation. He brings his phone in our direction, a photos of Y/N and I are plastered all over Instagram and Twitter. I face palm, "I thought we were careful.". I notice that some of the fans are laughing at the fact that she managed to get a black eye. We all continue to look at the photos before going to bed.


I groan while stretching my body slowly in the blankets I'm tucked into. Noticing that I'm alone in a bedroom, I make my way to the door. I catch a glimpse of my face in the mirror, slowly stopping, my eyes turn wide as I look back into the mirror. I notice my left eye which is mostly black and blue, I also notice a decent sized bruise on my arm. With a headache, I walk out to the living area of the hotel room.

Four boys quickly come right up to me. "So..how you feeling?", Niall asks being the first one to speak up. "Like I've been hit by a bus, what happened to my face.", I ask the group. Laughter starts, before Liam quiets them. "Do you not remember anything?", Liam asks my way. I shake my head, and the boys begin to tell me the nightmares of what happened last night. Harry hands his phone over to me, allowing me to see the photos and tweets from last night. I shove the phone back in his hand, I lay my head on the kitchen counter. "I am never drinking again.", I mumble, causing all four boys to laugh.

(I kinda based this off how I get when I'm drunk lol.)

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