July 23, 2010

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I woke up to a loud bang, sitting up in my bed I waited to hear the sound again. A few seconds later, the similar bang happened again. I walk to the door to see what the commotion was about. Opening the door, I was greeted by two sweaty boys. Niall and Harry. "Hey guys..," I greeted, "what are you doing here? And more importantly why are you sweating?". Niall started to catch his breath before saying, "we noticed you weren't at the arena, and they are going to announce results in," he looks down to his watch, "about twenty minutes.". My eyes widen, I didn't realize I was supposed to stay at the arena for my results. I quickly grab my things before we all rush back to the arena. Harry tripped on the way due to the street being crowded, Niall and I laughed loudly the rest of the way, ignoring strange looks from the crowd and avoiding Harry's protests to stop.

Arriving at the arena, we find a section of opening seating and decide to take our seats. Finally being able to take a break, I pull two water bottles out of my bag and hand them towards the boys. They gladly accept and drink most of the water. Harry handed his back to me, offering the rest of his water. I accepted and drank the remainder of the bottle. Pushing the empty water bottle into my bag, we all turn our attention to the stand. Names start to be called out by sections, girls go first. After every name is spoken from the hosts lips, my nerves get tenser and my eyes get wetter. A hand reaches down to hold mine, I pay no attention to whose hand, but rather close my eyes. Listening for my name, I hear the host announce she is moving onto the boys group and apologizes to the girls who didn't make it. I hear sniffles, and some shouting about how the show is rigged. Losing myself in my thoughts, I get flashbacks of my parents and grandma being so happy about me achieving my dreams. How can I tell them that I didn't make it? That I ruined my chance?

"Y/N?", I heard a sad voice next to me. I look up to see Niall with tears streaming down his face. "Let's all go back to the hotel okay?", he said to me. They informed me that they also didn't make it. I nod sadly and grab his hand. "Could we have Y/F/N Y/L/N, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan and Harry Styles come to the backstage?", a crew member announced. Harry, Niall, and I looked at each other strangely. "What could they want?", Harry asked towards us. "They probably just want us to cry more for the episode or something.", Niall mentions. Making our way backstage, I notice a boy wearing a red beanie waiting for us. Hearing steps behind us, I turn around to see two extra figures. I assume that these are the extra boys. The crew members tell us that we are going to be back on stage due to the judges wanting to speak with us. I share a worried expression along with five other boys.

Making our way onto the stage, cameras pan in front of us. I wipe my tears, not wanting people back home seeing me cry. "We brought you all out here today, because we think that you are too good to let go.", Simon voices towards us. Confusion makes it's way across the six of our faces. "The three of us have decided that if you're willing, we want to make you into a group.", he finishes. I pause, a group? They want me to be with five boys? Before I could get another thought out, I'm being spun around by a mess of curly hair. "Y/N! Did you hear that? We're being put into a band, we don't have to go home!", Harry shouts towards me. I smile back with tears, hugging him tightly. Next thing I know, four more people join us. We stood hugging each other for a few minutes. I wouldn't ever imagine hugging strangers, but for some reason, they felt like home.

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