Funerals, Head Injuries and a Tour

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(Up All Night Release Party)

"Y/N?" I hear a voice speak to me. Feeling a cold liquid splashed in my face, my eyes shoot open. Looking around, I see Simon and the rest of the boys sitting around me. Wiping the water from my face, I begin to sit up. Before I can do so, Simon gently pushes me down. "Hold on, are you sure you're okay? I mean you just fainted.", he questions me. Nodding I start to move again, Niall grabs my hand to help me onto the bench outside the building. Finally composing myself enough to speak, I turn to the boy's and Simon, "you guys should go back in there. You're missing the party.". Louis then squats down to my level, putting his hand on my knee. "We can't do that to you Y/N. You're our little sister and you need us.". Looking around, I see the rest of the boys nodding. I start to tear up again, and am immediately put into a group hug.

After the hug, Liam decides to take me to the local clinic to make sure I'm one hundred percent okay. The rest of the boys and Simon try to wrap up the party. I check into the clinics front desk, then proceed to make my way back to Liam. Taking a seat next to him, I begin to talk about our earlier interaction. "We can just forget about if you want to for now Y/N. We're in a band together, so you can't get rid of me.", Liam softly mentions to me. I smile and nod towards him. Before I'm called back, Liam let's me know that the boys would like to come with me to see my grandma.

Liam and I drive back in the dark to the house. The nurses at the clinic stated that I had a slight concussion and should be okay as long as I take it easy. Heading towards the living room, we find four boys asleep on one of the couches. Being careful to not wake them up, Liam and I cover them with blankets and turn of the TV. Walking to my room, I discover that I'm being followed by Liam. "Y/N," he starts, "would it be okay if I slept on the floor of your room? It would just make me feel better.". Thinking for a moment, I decide that it couldn't hurt having someone watch over me. He returns to his room to change out of his suit, as I change from my dress. I quickly pull on a pair of black sweats and a random t-shirt. I decide to deal with my messed up makeup tomorrow. Climbing into bed, I wait for Liam to return. He brings in a few blankets and pillows. Shyly, I ask him, "Liam, do you think we could actually share the bed?". Realizing that I need comforting, he obliged my request. I make room for him and offer some of my blanket. After turning the light off, Liam gets under the blankets. I slightly lay on his shoulder and look at the ceiling with him. We start talking about death, and at some point drifted into sleep.

(Funeral- Mentions: Death)

Unable to find any soon flights, I wasn't able to talk to my grandmother one last time. A regret I will forever hang onto. The boy's and I arrived to Liverpool last night. My parents gladly accepted the boy's into their house, allowing them to sleep in the living room area. My mother comes into my room and picks out a simple black dress for me to wear. Before exiting the room, she kisses the top of my head. I slowly get dressed, then sit down in front of my vanity. Tears slowly come out of my eyes, I then hear a knock on the door. Glancing up, I see Louis sticking his head through the door. "Hey Love," he begins and continues to open the door, revealing the rest of the boys. All but Louis take a seat on my bed, Louis grabs the hairbrush off the side of my vanity. He begins to brush my hair, and pulls it back into a half-up style. I thank him, and he mentions learning how to do his sisters hair due to his mum being busy some mornings. Deciding on minimal makeup, I quickly apply the products to my face. We all hug one last time before making our way downstairs.

The boy's and I divide up into two cars including my parents. The boys respectfully sit in the back of the church, allowing my family to fill into the front seats. The funeral starts and I begin to hear sniffling around me. My body turns cold and I'm no longer able to produce tears. I am unaware of this is a coping mechanism or not. I listen to my aunts, mother and cousins talk about the legacy my grandmother left behind. We then begin to pass by the casket. Walking up to my grandma, I run my finger around the brown wood of the casket. Bring my head in closer, I quietly whisper to her and myself, "I'm sorry I wasn't there grandma. I promise I'll make you proud.". To stop holding up the line, I follow my parents to a separate room where the boys are already waiting. They are surprised to see my emotional state. Deciding not to mention it, we all sit together waiting for the service to continue celebrating my grandmas life.

(Security and First Major Public Outing)

Our Modest representative introduces us to a team of five security members. One of them comes forward and states that his name is Paul. He mentions that he is the head of the security team and will be keeping an eye on us. Modest decided that we should try using the security team today due to having to run some errands. We have been getting an increased amount of attention since the release of the first album. Loading into a van, we head towards the mall. At the beginning people gave us strong looks, and a couple fans came for photos. Harry needed a new pair of shoes, so our first stop was inside of the Nike store. I walk around looking at shorts, shouting then comes from outside the store. We all look up to see a giant crowd outside of the store. Harry finishes up and the security begins talking about a game plan. Niall waves towards the girls outside and the cheering gets louder. I begin to cover my ears as we are instructed to head to the back of the store. Paul receives a message over his radio, saying that the girls have the van surrounded outside. There is no other way for us to leave except go through the crowd. Paul and the security team begins to prepare us for the event about to occur. My chest tightens at the thought of being lost in the crowd. We all stand in line, the team decided to put me in the middle due to my size and age.

The back door opens and we are greeted by hundreds of screaming fans. I am unable to hear instructions given by the guards around me. Sensing my struggle, Zayn reaches his hand back to grab onto mine. We proceed to make our way toward the van. Soon I feel a slight tug on my hair, my hand grips tighter onto Zayn's one last time before it's ripped away. I shout towards the guards as I'm pushed deep into the crowd. The air seems to be sucked my lungs as I'm pushed around. I hear my name being shouted over the crowd and see tall figures looking for me. My body is pushed down to the ground and I'm asked multiple questions. Ones ranging from asking for selfies and if I could give out phone numbers. I'm soon lifted up and put over someone's shoulder. "Are you okay Y/N?", Paul asks loudly towards me. "Yeah I'm good. Thanks for rescuing me.", I laugh towards him. He quickly puts me in the van and takes his spot in the front. Avoiding running over fans, we soon make our way onto the highway and head back to the house. "Y/N, your hands are bleeding.", Harry mentions towards me. Looking down, the pain registers with my body finally. "Oh." I speak, "it's probably from when they pushed me down.". That topic begins to make Niall nervous again, him being the worse with crowds out of all of us. We all arrive at the house safely and create a list for the guards to retrieve things for us. After relaxing for a few minutes we receive a call from Simon.

He mentions that we have received good news from arenas around us. We are going on tour for two months to see how the fans will react. Preparations start later this week and then we will begin a new chapter in the band. I hope Paul and his team are right next to us the whole time.

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