Final Results

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I can't believe that we have made it is this far, week after week we've been put through. It's amazing to think around five months ago, we had no idea that we would be in this situation. We made it through week 10, so we preform at the final later this week. Making it easier for ourselves, we decided to sing "Torn", the same song we sang at the Judges House. It seems like just yesterday when Louis stepped on a sea urchin. I remember us being so worried for him, and the band not sounding right without him. We've grown into a family and a team. We need each other.

Preparing myself for this week, I decide to pamper myself to be insure that my skin and hair are in the best conditions. Finding my bag in the corner of our room, I begin digging for a certain item. After a few minutes I find what I'm looking for, my holy grail face mask. I make my way to the bathroom connected to our room to apply the mask, stepping over a huge pile of clothes. I wish the boys would do laundry more often. The mask applies to my skin with ease, and I'm forced to wait ten minutes for the best results. I make the way back to my bunk to waste time on my phone. I never thought that I would share a bunk bed with a boy, let alone Niall.

Throwing my phone upon the top bunk, I grab onto the ladder and slowly make my way to the top. Relaxing for a few minutes while scrolling through Instagram. Then I hear a knock on the door, asking if I could let them in. Knowing the voices, I jump down and head towards the door. Opening the door, I greet the familiar five faces, "Hey guys, you should really...". Before I get my sentence out I hear screams/shouts. Louis begins, "Love, I don't mean to worry you, but what is on your face?!". I roll my eyes as the other boys start to ask questions. "Have you guys never seen a face mask?", I question them. They proceed to shake their heads no. Asking if they would like to try, they hesitantly say yes. By the time I finished applying the mask to the last boy, mine was dry. I begin to peel the dry mask off my face and notice five pairs of wide eyes on me. "We have to pull them off..?", Liam questions. I laugh nodding before removing the rest of the mask. After rising the parts of the mask that wouldn't move off, the boys became nervous. I decide to start with Zayn, slowly peeling the mask from his face. He winced at the beginning, then became more relaxed. Mentioning to the boys that it hurt less than they thought. The rest of the boys decide to then remove the mask from their faces. After the whole event they begin to speak about how soft their skin feels.

We sat around in our room for the rest of the evening, showing each other random things we would find online. After some time, Liam states that we should practice for this week to get a head start. Getting off our beds, we sit in a circle on the floor. Simon said this would be an easy way for us all to hear each other and decide how we needed to be positioned on the stage. I press play on my phone, playing the instrumental for the song. We each begin singing our parts, stumbling over a few parts. Each of us have grown comfortable giving advice when needed, so we are able to offer help to each other. After finishing the song for the third time, we decided on our order: Niall, Liam, me, Harry, Louis, and then Zayn. This order is similar to other performances. We finish the final touches before making the decision to stop for the day.

~Time Skip to after the performance~

Standing in front of a huge crowd with Simon, we move close with each other in the center of the stage. They announce that results are in and results will be starting. Beginning with the act that will be put through into next week. I reach my hands out to hold hands with Liam and Niall as we wait for the words to be spoken. Matt is the first one to make it through, we all clap for him as he makes his way off stage. It is then down to us and Rebecca. I notice Harry put his head down and cover his eyes, Louis reaches out to comfort him. Nialls hand tightens on mine as we wait. The lights and music become dramatic as the nerves begin to rise in all of us. The crew announces that Rebecca is safe for next week, meaning that we received third place. Time stops while the crew plays back all the memories we made over the week on a large screen. I'm happy we've made it this far, but all I'm thinking about is how I let my family down. After the video stops playing we each talk a little about our experiences. Zayn mentions that "This isn't the last of One Direction". Simon thanks us for working with him and mentions that this is only the beginning for us.

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