Home Sweet Home

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"Louis, if you don't get out of that tree in one minute, I will leave you here!", I shout up the random tall tree. A laughter is thrown down to me. "Ha, I highly doubt that love!", Louis shouts back. I step back from the tree to softly place the random items I was holding onto the dirt floor of the forest.

"What are you doing Y/N/N?", a new voice asks from besides me. Bending down, I tighten the white laces of my sneakers. I approach the tree as I answer my bandmate. "Showing our eldest member a lesson.", I say with a smirk. Zayn gestures towards the tree with agreement as he calls the other three over.

Slowly, but steadily, I climb up the tree. Taking note of the small branches so that I don't accidentally misplace my foot. "Be careful up there!", I hear from Harry. After a certain amount of time, I arrive next to my friend. "Hey Lou.", I speak from the neighboring branch. He shakes his head before talking, "I'm surprised you made it all the way up here.". A soft laughter comes out of my mouth and a confused look forms on his face. "What's so funny...?", he speaks with curiosity. I shake my head, "This will really take you for a surprise then.". Before he can get his next thought out, I swiftly grab his wrist and send the eldest down the tree.

"CATCH ME!", is being repeated as he returns to the ground. Somehow Niall and Liam grasp his upper body, saving him from any injuries. I look down to see four surprise faces. Louis turns towards Liam with disbelief, "Your wife almost killed me!", he shouts. With laughter, I slowly climb down the tree to reunite with my friends. A few high fives are given and then we go our separate ways to clean up our campsite.

"Hey Y/N/N?", Louis asks from behind me. I turn towards him, waiting for some type of argument. "Before you threw me down," he begins, "you knew I'd be okay right?". I stay silent as he asks again, "Right?". Deciding to mess with him, I slowly turn around and walk towards the van. "Y/N!", he yells from his spot. After a few minutes of laughter, I simply nod to the boy who finally exhales.


"Nice to meet ya!", is shouted from besides me, "What's your name!?". Louis and Niall decided to play some of our solo music on the way home. "Come on Y/N/N, you know the words!", Niall speaks from my left. After some laughter, I join my friends by singing along. 

As the last song ends, we finally pull into the driveway. Exiting the car behind Niall, I stretch my limbs that have been confined to the small van for the past hour. "Home sweet home.", Liam mentions while he side hugs me. The front door opens as our small child runs towards us. Before I can pick her up, she is intercepted by her tallest uncle.

"You don't want to see Mum and Dada, you want to see Uncle Harry.", he speaks in a baby voice. Sweet laughter fills our ears as he begins to tickle her stomach. I shake my head as the other boys begin to tackle our daughter with hugs and tickles. Liam and I smile at each other as we watch our little family interact with each other. "It's good to be home.", I say to my partner. "You could say that again love.", Liam says with another hug.


(Sorry if this is a smallish chapter, I just felt terrible leaving you all without any content. Also, I am going to start a couple new fanfics over the summer. I plan on creating a Louis based one, and just a collection of random short stories that I couldn't create full fanfics off of. If you have any ideas for the Louis one, please leave them in the comments. I still plan on continuing this story, it is just hard to due no OT5 content currently. So chapters may be spread out a bit. I hope you all have a great summer! As always, stay safe and TPWK. - TSE xx)

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