A Fresh Start

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-Almost a Year Later-
: Y/N POV :

"You really want to buy all of these miss?", the newsstand worker asked me. I shake my head "yes" and continue to grab all the magazines with my face on them. We finish the interaction and I begin to travel back to my vehicle. Reaching my destination, I reach into my purse to dig out my keys without dropping all of my items onto the paved floor below me. Once I finally get into the car, I send a quick text to Liam before heading home.
I hear shouting from the other side of the wooden door and roll my eyes as I enter the house. "Woah what's with all the magazines love?", Liam asks as I come into his vision. Handing him one, I take a seat next to him. He begins to read aloud, "Y/N Payne Still Carrying Baby Weight After a Year.". Liam places his hand on my thigh and begins consoling me.

Our conversation is soon interrupted by loud steps coming down the stairs. I look up to see a baby puke covered Niall and a laughing Louis. "Glad your home love, I think this belongs to you.", Niall huffs out before handing me Félicité. Laughing, I press a kiss to her cheek as Niall and Louis sprawl across the couch. We begin to talk about each other's day and then Louis drops shocking news.

"I still can't believe that she said her first word days before her first birthday.", he says with a huge grin on his face. My face drops slowly before I speak to the group, "She said her first word...?". Solemn looks fell amongst the group. Liam squeezes my hand as Louis and Niall jump up from their spots. "You might have missed it but wait till you hear what she said.", Niall says as he grabs his niece. The two then start trying to pry a word out of the young girl. A few minutes pass and a soft "Mama" comes out of her mouth. Cheers fill the room as the front door opens revealing Harry. He takes in the scene in front of him before speaking, "What did I miss?".
I gently shove another spoonful of green mush into Félicité's mouth and turn my attention back to the group. "So, what do you all think?", Harry says at the end of the dinner table. An awkward silence fills the room while we all share looks with each other. I decide to be the first to speak, "Don't we remember how this all ended last time?". Nods are sent back to me, but Harry interjects quickly. "But it's different this time love," he takes a drink of water before finishing, "we're allowed to make our own rules, sing our own songs, and more.". The conversation continues for the rest of dinner with each of us explaining the pros and cons of Harry's statement. "Why don't we think about it tonight, H?", Liam comments while wiping down our daughter with a towel. Harry nods and heads upstairs to join the others in the spare bedroom. A kiss is pressed to the side of my head as Liam and Félicité follow the same path Harry took.

Thoughts take over my brain as I place dishes into the sink. Are we really ready to form the band again? What about Zayn...has Harry even asked him? Who will watch Félicité while we are gone? More questions fill my head, taking my attention away from my current task. A hand on my shoulder makes me jump a mile in the air. Soft laughter fills my ears, and a quick apology is ushered by Louis.

"You doing alright?", he says as he begins to help me scrub the remnants of tonight's dinner. I nod but know that he isn't convinced. I begin to explain all of my worries and wait for a lecture. "I'm worried too," he begins, "it's been so long since we've worked together and who knows how it'll go?". He continues to mention his concerns and listen to mine until we finish scrubbing. "Why don't we go talk to the others about your worries too?" Louis says wrapping his arm around my shoulders, "Maybe this will help us make our decisions.". I nod to his statement and begin to follow him up the carpeted steps.

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