"Pine Trees and Dirt"

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"Li, she'll be fine.", I encourage my husband who keeps nagging my parents about the care of our daughter. He sighs with a nod and makes his way to the van. I kiss our child one more time before following her father.

"It's nice that your parents are finally able to visit Y/N/N.", Niall said from the passenger seat. A smile is sent his way, "I know, I thought I'd never see them anytime soon because of Covid.", I speak from in between Zayn and Harry. Snacks are soon thrown in my lap from the front seat. Harry is then smacked with a random package of candy. "Lou and I picked you up some [favorite candy].", Niall shined his famous smile from his seat.

Liam presses play on the GPS in front of him. We wave towards my family as he begins to drive down the paved road. Silence fills the car, which seems to rarely happen with in our friend group. A small laugh is heard from behind me before our eldest member speaks.

"Are we there yet?"

Laughter fills the car, taking over the silence from earlier. I wipe happy tears from my eyes as I notice my husband rubbing his temple. This is going to be one long car ride. ————————————————————————-
Liam groans from the driver seat for what seems like the hundredth time. "Louis," he begins, "if I hear one more 'are we there yet', I'm going to pull over this car.".

I hide my soft laugh into Zayn's shoulder, trying to avoid a glare from my husband. Louis goes to open his mouth one more time, but his speech is muffled by an equally tired Harry.
The van is jerked into a stopping position, shoving me forward into the middle console between Niall and Liam. "Oops," Zayn chuckles out, "careful Y/N/N.". I roll my eyes at the man before following him out of the cramped vehicle.

"Ah, smell that lads", Louis begins standing on some random rock. The rest of us turn towards him, waiting on whatever speech he's about to give. "The smell of pine trees and dirt.", he blurts out and then takes a large sniff.

We begin to clear the campsite, making room for our tents and a bonfire. I take a few seconds to take in the scenery around me. Memories flood my mind of the conversations we had years ago at this exact location.

I am soon brought out of my thoughts by Louis and Harry. "Is anyone home?", Harry smirks as he waves his hand in front of my face. I shake my head, bringing myself into the current conversation happening in front of me. "Now that you're with us," Harry begins, "Daddy Direction instructed us to go get some firewood.". I nod to the pair, and after some rock-paper-scissors we finally decide on a random direction to head towards.
I wipe some sweat from my hairline as I continue to listen to my band mates argue. My eyes stare up to the starry sky above us.

"We've already gone this way Louis!"
"No! Look at these trees, did we see these two minutes ago?" "No Harry we didn't!"
"Alright Mr. Know-It-All, which way should we go?"
"Let's just go this way."
"I swear to-"

Anger and annoyance begins to rise in my body. I can't listen to this anymore. Deciding to make a decision for the group, I begin to head the opposite direction Louis pointed to minutes ago.

A few seconds pass by before the yelling stops. "Y/N/N, where are you going!?", Louis shouts as he and Harry catch up with me. I let out a huff of air, "I'm trying to find the rest of the boys.", I mutter to the pair. A scoff comes out of my eldest friends mouth, "Well then-". A hand is soon slapped over his mouth. "Just let her lead Lou.", Harry begs. After a deep sigh, Louis simply nods.

Another hour passes by as we carry the random amounts of lumber through the trees. "I tried to tell you that we should've went the other way.", Louis mutters from behind me. I begin to retaliate back to the man before a shout grabs my attention. "Did you guys-", Harry questions, I motion for him to be quiet.


Our names are being shouted from our other band mates in desperation. I point towards the shouts, we pick up our piles of sticks and head back to our friends.

The small campsite comes into my eyesight as the other three come chasing towards us. "Where did you guys run off to?", Niall asks as he grabs Harry into a hug. "We took one wrong turn," Louis began while he dropped his sticks, "and ended up in another universe.". Zayn chuckles and hugs the eldest member. "We wouldn't have made it back this soon if Y/N didn't take charge.", Harry nudges me in the side. I smirk as a kiss is pressed to my forehead. "That sounds like my girl.", Liam mumbles. After hugs are exchanged we all grab the random sticks of the ground to haul them back to the tents. Soon a decent fire starts, illuminating the trees around us.
"Do you two remember when you locked yourselves in that storage closet?", Niall points to Louis and I with his beer bottle. Laughers fill the forest as I nod to the Irish man. "To be fair," I began, "it was 100% Lou's fault.". The laughter continues as Louis ruffles my hair.

"What about the time that you stuffed Harry in a trash can Nialler?", Liam asks from beside me. His famous laugh begins. Memories are being thrown from each side of the bonfire.

"I haven't said this in awhile," Louis begins as we face him, "but I really am thankful for all of you.". Smiles are sent towards him. With teary eyes, I respond back to the group, "I couldn't imagine my life without any of you.". A group hug begins before we all snuggle into our tents.

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