"I think we broke the internet."

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Cameras flash in my face as I try to return back to my car. "Y/N we have seen you in public with the other 1D boys, is a reunion happening soon?", a random man asks me as he shoves a microphone near me. I decide to shrug and continue to push myself through the crowd. After a few minutes I manage to finally enter the vehicle. I don't think I'll ever get used to this "famous" thing. I shove the assorted bags of groceries in the backseat, trying to return home as quickly as possible. You would think by now that I would just order groceries online.

I arrive back home after a short drive and am immediately met by Niall waiting outside for my return. "Did you grab it!?", he shouts the second that I exit the car. I nod to him while laughing, searching through the plastic bags, I pull out the small tub of ice cream. Niall made me promise that I'd grab his favorite while out at the shops. He snatches the cold treat from me and squishes me into a tight hug. We each grab the rest of the bags and make our way inside.

"Have a good time at the store love?", Liam asks as he opens the door for the both of us. I sit the few my of bags that I am carrying on the kitchen island before responding, "Yeah, but they're starting to question why we are all hanging out.". This statement caught the attention of the other three boys who were currently watching over their niece in the next room over. We each began to think about our next actions while groceries were put in their correct spots.

Harry decides to be the first to speak into the silence. "Why don't we just release the single?", he asks. We each turn to look at each other, pondering on his question. I shrug to Louis, an action which he returns to me. After not receiving any feedback, Harry continues to explain his point. "We each post the song at the same time, I think it would be a great plan.", the curly one mentions. He continues to go more in depth about how the fans have always been there for us, and it's going to grow harder to hide this from them. Once some convincing occurs, we each agree on Harrys plan.

"Okay, everyone ready?", Liam asks amongst the group. Multiple "ready"s are heard in the kitchen. A countdown then begins. "3", "2", "1". I press the send button on my phone screen and watch as our new single is uploaded to Twitter. Our phones begin to light up with notifications from fans, friends, news sources, and more. This is a major moment for us, and it's great to see that it has responded well with others. Within forty five minutes of the tweet being up, Twitter crashed due to the immense activity on the site. "Well lads and lady, I think we broke the internet.", Louis says from his chair. Laughter and hugs fill the living room. I take a few seconds to see the sight in front of me. This is a new beginning for all of us, and I'm glad we are able to spend it together.

(Hello all! This was a short filler chapter, I will try to come up with a long chapter, since I haven't posted one in awhile. Louis was amazing in Kansas City. It was so surreal to see someone that I've been obsessed with since 2010. I had an amazing time. I hope you are all doing well. As always, stay safe and TPWK.-TSE xx)

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