March 25, 2015

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[HUGE Time-skip]
March 24, 2015:

Walking back with Zayn to our the hotel room after swimming, he mentions that he has something important to tell me. "I'm telling you this before the boys, I feel like you'll take it better.", he says softly to me. I look at him strangely, "Zayn you're scaring me.", I remark. Unlocking the door, he heads to the bathroom, as we both change quickly into our other clothes. He offers me a seat next to him on the bed, "I'm leaving Y/N.", he says bluntly. "What...what do you mean you're leaving?", I ask, as tears start. "I can't do this anymore, my mental health is suffering. I need a break love.", he sadly says.

Standing up, I bring my hands to my hair, "We can figure something out. Yeah, you don't have to leave. I'll talk to Sim-", Zayn reaches out for my hand. Shaking his head to let me know he's made up his mind. He starts to mention that it's been in his mind since our kiss. "The paps caught us Y/N, they threatened so I paid them off.", hearing this angers me. "Perrie found out anyway, that's why we haven't been talking. Because of you.", he mentions. "Zayn this isn't fair, you leaned in.", my statement angers him. "You ruined my relationship because you were sad Y/N.", he spits towards me.

I move near the door, ready to head back to the other room or pool. "You kissed me too. You split this band apart and you'll have to live with that. I'll never forgive you.", he says hatefully towards me. Opening the door I'm greeted by four faces. Shocked looks take over their faces. "Woah, what's going on guys?", Louis asks us. I push them out of my, "Ask Zayn.", I simply say and head back to my room.

March 25, 2015:

Zayn walked off the bus, heading towards the airport to head back home. He let us know that he'll collect his things soon. Hours later I get a notification from Zayn's twitter, it's his statement, explaining that he's leaving. I turn towards the wall in my bunk, sulking in guilt away from the boys. A small knock pulls me out of my thoughts, I turn over to softly move the privacy curtain to see four sad faces. "Hey love," Liam says as he reaches out to wipe a tear from my face, "can you tell us what Zayn said to you yesterday?". I softly shake my head and look away from them. Moments later I am then dragged out of my bunk and thrown onto the sofa in the main room. "Spill.", Louis asks. I begin to explain the whole story, mentioning in detail the way Zayn spoke to me.

The four boys in front of me sat in silence for a few minutes, before Liam spoke. "We can't let word of this get out.", he started, "Y/N's whole reputation could be ruined over Zayn's mistake.". I look down at my hands, wondering how we keep the argument in the shadows. It's essentially up to Zayn if he says anything about the fight. "We'll figure it out when the time comes okay Y/N/N?", Niall says my way. I simply nod and head back to my bunk to claim my spot for the next few days.

March 28th, 2015:

After going to the bathroom, I'm stopped in front of my bunk. "Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, you are not getting back inside that bunk.", a very stern Harry says to me. I try to push my way through the group, but fail. Louis sighs and then speaks, "Love you been in bed for the past two days. It's time to change.". Instead of arguing, I turn around and make my way to the couch. I'm soon joined by my four best friends. "We care about you and want to help," a soft Irish voice speaks in my direction, "but we can't if you block us out every chance you get.". I nod, not feeling like speaking yet. The boys continue to push the matter and get on my nerves. "How am I supposed to explain my feelings when I don't know how I feel?", I simply say to the group. I continue, "Zayn made it well known that this was my fault, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But you will never understand what it felt like to be in that room with him.". Liam reached out to grab my hand, but I pushed him away and stood up. "It was just a dumb mistake and we messed everything up.", I say, "I'm just so tired of this life. I wanna go home.". Without any words from the boys I head back to my bunk to spend the rest of my time before the show alone.

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