This Calls for a Celebration

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(Hello all, I just wanted to make a quick disclaimer before beginning this chapter. This chapter is in no way dismissing the trauma and hardships that the boys went through during One Direction. This is simply a fanfiction, more or so an alternative reality. There are few questions that I have for you guys, should Zayn join the band also, or should I have him be a solo act that comes with the rest of the band? Also, I have been thinking about starting a new fanfic, probably a Niall/Louis/or Zayn one, please leave any ideas that you have for one. Hope you all enjoy, and as always be safe, and TPWK. -TSE) 

: Harry POV :

"You really think this is going to persuade her?", Liam asks as we walk out of the small coffee shop. I chuckle to myself before answering, "Not really, but it might help.". Honestly, I heard her taking care of Felicite, who seemed to cry around the clock last night. So, I thought that she might appreciate her favorite drink from the store a couple streets down. The other boys are on board with starting over with the band, all of those but Zayn, who have I yet to talk to. Y/N for some reason is not giving any of us a definite answer for some reason. Granted we all had hard times during the band, but there were so many good memories, too many to just let One Direction disappear. "I think she just needs time H," Liam starts, "she was so upset when we ended, and I don't think she wants to relive it again.". I simply nod to his statement and begin to drive back towards the Payne household.


: Y/N POV: 

I sigh as I sit in-between Niall and Louis on the couch, finally taking a second to relax. "She finally go down for a nap?", Niall questions. I slowly nod before speaking, "Yeah, I don't know what's up with her, she doesn't have a fever or anything.". A few seconds of silence pass until Louis speaks into the silence, "Freddie went through times like that, sometimes they just cry to cry Y/N/N.". I turn to him to return the soft smile that he was sending my way. We were then interrupted by Liam and Harry with coffee in their hands. A (warm/cold) cup is then thrusted into my hands by Harry, I thank him before taking a big swig of it. 

Harry and Liam sit on the small sofa across from us, and I immediately know where this conversation is going. "What is that look for?", Harry questions my expression. I simply shake my head with a smile before responding to him, "I know a bribe when I see one Styles.". My statement causes him to look fake offended, a scoff coming out of his lips as he begins to defend himself. "Y/N my dear, now why on Earth would I be trying to bribe you?", he speaks with his hand on his chest, "Can I not just do something sweet for one of my closest friends?". I continue to shake my head at his performance, maybe it wasn't too much of a bribe, but more or so to get on my good side. 

"Okay you two, let's be serious here.", Liam finally interjects our conversation. I lovingly roll my eyes at him before Harry begins speaking again. "We need to come to a decision," he stands up from his spot, "are we getting the band back together?". Looks interchange between all of us, trying to read what the others are thinking. Harry then reaches his hand out, "I'm in.". Shortly after he speaks, Niall stands up from the couch and puts his hand on top of Harrys. "Me too.", he speaks as Harry sends him a toothy grin. Liam is then the next to join the two in the middle of the room, "Count me in lads.". Silence then fills the room as the trio turn towards Louis and I. Louis sends me a look before speaking, "Oh what the hell", he stands up, "I've got nothing to lose.". His hand makes a soft smacking noise as he places his hand on top of my husbands. I take a deep sigh before standing up, but don't follow their actions. "I don't know about this you guys", sad looks are thrown my way, "I can't relive some of that sadness again.". 

Harry then breaks up the stacked hands and turns towards me. "It'll be different this time love, we've learned since then.", he speaks with hands on my shoulders. Worry still fills my head as he continues to speak, "And if things do go to shit again, you'll have all of us right there behind you.". He then turns me to look at the three nodding figures behind him. A groan passes my lips as I nod to Harry. The hand formation returns, and I slowly place mine on tops of all of theirs. Hugs go around as cheers erupt in the living room. I am soon brought into a bone-crushing hug by Harry. "Also, I totally lied, that coffee was a bribe.", he says causing me to groan and the rest of the room to bust out laughing. Cries soon interrupt our celebration and we all rush up the stairs to tend to the wailing child. 


A soft knock comes across the door, taking my attention away from wrapping a random present that Louis purchased the other day. I slid across the title floor of the kitchen, opening the door to reveal Zayn with his hands full of presents. "I only gave you one gift idea; how did you end up with this much stuff?", I laugh as I take some of the gifts off his hands. He flashes me his classic smile before commenting, "I haven't seen her in a while, and I have to spoil my niece.". He then makes his way into the living room to put down his pile, and then is soon greeted by Niall, Louis, and Liam. Small conversations begin, filling the room with all sorts of information. A few minutes pass by and we are interrupted by fake coughing. Our attention turns to the stairs to see a smiling Harry. "Lady and gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce her appearance, the lovely Felicite Ruth Payne.", he then grabs the hand of the young girl behind him and aids her down the stairs. "Well, aren't you the prettiest girl I've ever seen?", Liam gushes over his daughter, picking her up.  

Felicite is soon smothered in attention from her four uncles and gifts are passed her way. Gift wrap scraps scatter amongst the floor as the deep conversation begins. "Zayn, we're a little unsure how to approach this subject," Louis begins while inserting batteries in the toy he bought earlier this week, "but we came to a decision and think that you might be interested.". Zayn then turns his complete attention to the group, begging the eldest man to continue. Liam then interjects into the conversation, "Earlier, we talked about starting the band over again and came to the collective that we are willing to do so.". Zayn still sits in silence, causing worry to fall over the group. "You don't have to decide right now...or decide at all if you want to.", I say to him, trying to deliver some sort of comfort. He nods before Harry speaks up, "One hundred percent, we don't want to make you uncomfortable mate, we know how hard those years were for you.".

Normal conversation continues after silence took over the crowd. A laugh forces its way out of my mouth as I watch my daughter smack Niall with some random toy that she received earlier. I exit the room to go retrieve a drink from the refrigerator and am stopped at the doorway. A conversation catches my attention, and I begin to walk away to stop myself from eavesdropping on Zayn. "I just don't know what to do," he speaks to the person on the phone, "I love them all so much, but One Direction wasn't always a positive thing for me.". I feel terrible listening to this private conversation, but for some reason can't walk away until I know his final decision. The one-sided conversation continues to fill my ears for a couple more minutes until he reaches his verdict. "Well, that settles it then," Zayn says with a sigh, "I'm going to tell them ___.".

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