New Challenges

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Searching through my contact list, I stop when I reach the "M" section. My finger lingers over the contact name before I softly press on the screen. The phone rings three times before a loving voice picks up. "Hello? Y/N?", the voice rang through my ears. I sit on the floor in-front of the door, "Hey mom, I just decided to give you a call.". I can feel her smile even though she is hours away from me. "How has your day been dear?", she asks. I sigh slightly before mentioning how Audrey and Emily were eliminated earlier. "It doesn't seem fair mom, the judges just decided that their chances should be over. What if that is me in the next few days?", I express my worry to her. As mothers usually do, she knew exactly what to say. "Honey," she paused, "you can't always assume the worst. This is your chance to show them what you can do. Even if you are sent home, you can always try again later. The same with Emily and Audrey.". Being the sensitive person that I am, tears slowly make their way down my face. My mom and I finish our conversation. After wishing her a good night, I quickly wipe the tears off my face before turning the doorknob to go back into the room.

Two heads turn towards me, I hope that they didn't hear all of my conversation. Harry stands up and makes his way towards me, with Niall coming close behind him. He reaches his hand out to wipe a stray tear away. "Are you okay Y/N?", he asks. I nod before mentioning that I was a little upset due to my roommates being sent home. Niall speaks up from behind Harry, "You have their contact information right? Stay in touch with them, your friendships don't have to be over.". I calm down after his statement and make my way towards the couch. "Can we watch a different movie? Since I was gone for most of this one.", I motion at the screen. They both nod before scrambling to get the remote. We all decide on a Disney movie, Niall grabs the blanket off my bed. After becoming comfortable, Harry presses play on the movie. Halfway through the movie my eyes began to close. All of the dancing I did earlier today sure did a number on me. The last thing I hear is a song number on the movie, then my world turns to black.

I feel a hand shaking my shoulder, not being ready to wake up yet, I groan and turn my body away. A giggle fills my ears, Y/N, love you need to wake up.", the voice speaks to me. I grumble before answering, "just let me sleep for a few more minutes.". The blanket was ripped off my body before the voice spoke again, "as much as I want to, we need to make our way towards the busses.". That sentence made me jump right off the couch, I run to the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup. I pick a yellow dress out of my suitcase and throw it on. Niall and I quickly walked towards the main lobby of the hotel. He mentions that out of all three of us, he woke up first and went back to his room to get ready. Niall also states that once he got back, he woke Harry up and sent him back to his hotel room to get ready. We stand in line patiently waiting to board one a bus to head to the arena.

Before entering the arena, I text Harry to let him know that Niall and I made it on time. A few minutes later, a crew member from the show lets us know that we need to split back into our groups. I hug Niall before we both go our separate ways. Heading towards my group, I see Cher in the distance talking to her friends, we share a slight wave between each other. The coach in charge of the girls group stands in front of us. She mentions today that we will be singing one song from a list of forty songs. The stack of papers begin to be passed around, eventually being passed to me. Grabbing a paper from the stack, I hand the papers to the next girl. Scanning my eyes down the list, a few songs stick out to me. After debating on what song, I decide on "King of Anything" by Sara Bareilles. Our coach lets us know that we will be singing in front of the judges by ourselves and they will later let us know if we are eliminated or not. I find a spot to myself to begin practicing. My phone buzzes alerting me of a text, its Harry asking me what song that I chose. I swiftly text him back my answer, and he replies with his song. He picked the song "Stop Crying your Heart Out" by Oasis. Harry also mentioned that Niall selected the song "Champagne Supernova". Pushing my phone back in my pocket to quit distracting myself. I spend the next few hours mingling with other girls and practicing.

"Y/N, Y/F/N Y/L/N?", I hear my name being shouted over the crowd of girls. Raising my hand, I make eye contact with the crew member. "It's your turn, please make your way to the judges.", the voice stated. Straightening my outfit on last time, I make my way towards the stage. Stopping on the X I lift my head to be met with three familiar faces. "Hello, Y/N. How are you today?", Simon asked me. Smiling, I replied, "I'm good, how are you all?". They all responded positively. I introduced my song and they all wished me good luck. Halfway through the song, my voice cracked. I tried to not let it affect the rest of my performance, but my voice became strained from overworking it earlier. Finally the song finished and I was able to relax my vocal cords. Waiting to hear harsh criticism, I was actually met with positive advice. "Overall you did good, but we all know there was areas of struggle throughout the song.", Simon stated, the others agreeing with him. The judges continued complimenting me, and also making it be known that my performance could have been better. I thank them for their time and walk of stage.

How could I let this happen? I spent the whole time practicing, and that made me do worse. I haven't let my voice have a break in two days. Rubbing my throat slightly, I decide to walk back to the hotel instead of waiting for the bus. Arriving to my room door, I make my way inside and plop down on the bed. I set an alarm for later in the evening and close my eyes to try to stop my worries.

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