Up All Night (Part 1)

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Finishing making my bed on the tour bus, I make my way to the main living area of the bus. The boys are taking turns playing some video game which I don't know the name of. I decide to decline a turn, stating that I would rather watch instead of play. Being on tour is unreal, I can't believe we are going on tour from December till July, playing fifty-four shows in total. Hopefully the boys pick up after themselves during this whole thing. Taking a pause from the game, Louis asks we're we are all going. Picking up the set list, I read the following locations: England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada and Mexico. Our first stop on the tour is Watford. The crew decided for us to leave today and have us settled in for the concert tomorrow evening.

Arriving at the gated bus stop, we notice a group of fans outside. We all laugh along with each other at some of the signs. "Harry please marry me!", Louis reads in a funny voice. It causes all of us to breakdown with laughter. Paul comes to the middle of the bus to notify us of some rules with fans. He said we can interact with them, but we have to at least have one body guard with us at all times. Each of us get assigned a body guard for this situation. The bus finally stops, parking next to other random vehicles. We all step outside, immediately hearing screaming voices. All of our names being shouted from the other sides of the gate. The guards allow us to go out two at a time to interact with fans. Louis and Harry decided to go out first. Once they exit through the door, the screaming instantly becomes louder. We hear cameras and questions being asked at the two boys. Things start to fly over the fence of the bus stop, the guards stand in front of us, blocking the debris from hitting the four of us. The door opens, allowing a shaken Louis and Harry to enter. The four of us notice that their clothes have been stretched out by the fans. Harry proceeds to show us scratches that he got from the fans, but stated it isn't as bad as you'd think. Zayn and I then decide that we should at least make an appearance for the fans.

I head towards the door, as a hand grabs my wrist. "Y/N," a deep voice starts. I turn around to see Paul behind me. "Are you sure that you're ready? Remember last time?", he asks me. I nod and respond with, "I do, but I can't be afraid of them. They are the reason that I'm here. I'm ready.". He nods, forcing himself out the door, I quickly follow behind him. I look around the crowd to see mostly girls, but a few boys. They range from around thirteen to twenty. I begin to answer a few questions, most of them about the other boys, but I really didn't mind. "Why are you in a band full of boys?", a teenage girl with long hair asks towards me. Others start to agree with her and crowd around me. Trying to find an answer for her, I just say, "That's just the way that Simon wanted it to be.". She scoffs and begins to mention that I shouldn't be included due to my gender. Becoming uncomfortable I reach up to my locket, moving it between my fingers. The questions become harsher and Paul reaches out to me. "Y/N, are you ready to leave?", he asks towards me. I simply nod, him and I make our way inside along with Zayn and his guard. They begin to ask us how it went, Zayn mentions that he took lots of selfies. Feeling Paul's eyes on me, I just let the boy's know that it went okay. We decide to head back to the bus and order some food. The crowd noise begins to soften as night begins.

Throwing my plate away, I let the group know that I'm taking a shower. Grabbing my things, I head towards the bathroom. Before stepping in the shower, I remove my necklace. I proceed to open the locket, looking at the picture of my grandmother inside. I run my finger over the photo before sitting it on the sink. Rinsing all of the products out of my hair, I turn the shower off and grab my towel. I begin to remove my makeup and brush my hair. Putting on my pajamas and necklace, I take one last look at myself before heading out of the room. The boys ask if I want to join them for a movie night, I kindly decline. I noticed that some of them had disappointed looks on their faces. I apologize and ask Niall if I could borrow his guitar. He nods and proceeds to hand it to me. I put the strap around my body, making it easier for me to carry. Before making my way outside of the bus, I grab my journal and a random pen.

I open the door quietly, trying to not alert the guards who are camping outside of the bus. I sneakily make my way towards the front door of the gate. Reaching into my pocket, I grab the key provided to the band. Looking back at the bus, I decide to continue with my plan, I turn the key. Unlocking the door, I slowly open it and make my way through to the other side. Pulling out my phone, I take a picture of the street name, just in case I forget how to get back. Walking down the sidewalk, I notice a park. I begin to look around making sure that no one was around to disturb me. I take a seat at one of the public picnic tables. Observing Nialls guitar, I notice a few stickers plastered all over the back: an Ireland flag, a X-Factor logo, and a One Direction sticker. I chuckle at his choice of stickers and begin to strum on the strings. Humming to myself, I try to come up with some lyrics.

After Simon listened to Moments, he encouraged me to write more. He mentioned the importance of having us write our own songs or being involved in the process. My brain begins to fog over as I try to come up with something. Almost giving up, a verse makes its way to my mind. "It's in your lips and your kiss, it's in your touch and your fingertips, and it's in all the things and other things, that make you who you are.". I write the words on the page in front of me, using my neatest hand writing. Looking at my phone, I notice the time, 11 pm. Since the concert isn't till around six tomorrow evening, I decide to walk around the empty town.

Light shines onto the street as I make my way closer to a building. Peering inside the window, I notice multiple pool tables. I read the sign above my head, "Sports Bar". Not having anything better to do, I make my way inside. The men inside are very kind, probably a little intoxicated as well. They offer for me to play a few rounds of pool with them. I accept and begin to make small conversations with them.

Once a few games are finished, I notice it is past midnight, realizing I haven't gotten any messages or phone calls. I continue my walk around the town of Watford. Thirty more minutes passes as I walk down the street, and then I'm grabbed tightly by the wrist.

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