A Day With Liam

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[August 9, 2015]

We have about ten days of freedom before our next concert, so management has let the boys and I get our own hotel rooms in Ohio. I plan on spending most of the time by myself. I love the boys, but even they're too much for me sometimes. I'm sure they feel the same way about them.

My ringtone grabs my attention and pulls me away from the random show on the television. I notice that it is my mum, and pick up right away. "Hey mum," I start, "how are you?". Her tone makes me have a weird feeling, "I'm okay love, how are you?". I think for a few seconds before telling her I'm good, but tired. We continue to talk about how long it's been since we've seen each other, I think it was right after New Years. I remember having to leave to start preparing for tour. Our conversation last for about thirty minutes before we say our goodbyes.

Bored out of my mind, I stand up from the uncomfortable hotel bed and make my way to the room across from mine. I stand by the door for a few seconds, reading the number in front of me. "Room 302", I mouth to myself. I bring my hand up and softly knock on the door. A deep sigh comes from behind the door, followed by a "One second". The door opens and a familiar dark brown pair of eyes meet mine. "Oh, hey love.", Liam greets me, "Come on in.". He moves to the side and lets me into his hotel room. I notice that he managed to find a Batman movie to watch, typical.

I take a seat on the chair across from the bed that he was laying in. "So, what brings you to room 302?", he asks. I play with the locket around my neck, trying to come up with the words to say. "Do you want to go on a date?", I blurt our to him. His eyes widen and then he thinks of a response. He accepts and we begin to plan on things we can do. We decide to go to this fancy restaurant for dinner tonight. After deciding I go over to hug him and make my way back to my hotel room.


I curl my last piece of hair, and take a look back at the mirror. I decided on wearing a simple black dress that I wore at one of the concerts a while back and some sandals. A knock at the door lets me know that Liam is ready to go. Flowers are passed my way, by a fancy-dressed Liam. I give him a quick hug before putting the flowers in a cup of water. Two security guards lead us down to the van waiting for us.

We arrive at the restaurant about fifteen minutes later. The host seats us quickly and lets us know our waiter will be with us shortly. Liam grabs my attention before speaking, "So Y/N, after all of these months, why now?". His question makes me think for a few minutes. "Because Li, we pushed ourselves away for the band. But I still love you.", I shyly say to him. He reaches across the table to take my hand in his. "I love you too Y/N/N.", he says. A cough then interrupts our conversation, the waiter begins to take our order.

Our food arrives and we begin to eat, sharing with each other and talking about random subjects. One of the security guards comes over to the table, he mentions how a crowd is forming outside. I sigh, I love all the fans, but I wish we could have a simple night. Liam turns in his chair to look out the front door, "We might need to head back love.", he says nervously. I nod and we gather our things, making sure to give the waiter money for the bill. Not caring if we gave him too much, we walk to the front door of the location. Screaming gets louder and flashes begin.

My head has healed since the stitches, but loud noises still bug me to this day. Questions are being thrown at Liam and I: "Are you two dating now?", "Y/N why Liam and not the other boys?", "How could you take him away from us?". The security tries to get us safely to the van in front of us. Soon I feel a fan pull me back by the locket around my neck. I try to grab onto it, but to no prevail it breaks into pieces. The fans then advert their attention to trying to find themselves a piece of my necklace. Time turns into slow motion as I look around of the charm of my locket. I need to find it. I bend down to search but am slowly brought towards the van by the security guards.

I am soon put into the van next to Liam, we both sit in silence as the guards try to get us out of the massive crowd. Reaching up to my neck, I remember that my necklace will forever be in the hands of others. Tears spring to my eyes, Liam takes notice. "Y/N, I'll buy you another okay love?", he asks as he puts a hand on my back. I shake my head, "You can't Liam, that was my grandmas, the last thing I had of hers and it's theirs now.". He brings me closer to him, as we make it out of the crowd. "We will get it back, I promise.", he says.

~At the Hotel~

We arrive back at the hotel and enter Nialls hotel room. The boys mentioned that they were all hanging out there until we got back. "Hey guys," Liam starts, "you won't believe the crowd we dragged in tonight.". The boys begin asking all kinds of questions. I make my way over to Nialls bed and just fall backwards onto it. I am soon joined by four other bodies, somehow squishing theirselves onto the hotel bed as well.

Silence soon takes over the group. I decide to be the first one to speak, "Are you guys tired?", I ask aloud. Niall speaks next, "Not really dear, it's only 8.". A laugh comes out of my mouth, "Ni, I mean of touring and being busy 24/7.", I mention. They each nod, and we all think of things to do. Harry then asks if we should take a break. "Just for about a year or so.", he adds. The rest come up with pros and cons of a break, before my opinion is asked.

"I love this, I really do. But they sort of crossed a line tonight, they broke the last thing I had of my grandmas. They broke my personal property.", I state aloud to the group. I notice the boys become sort of angry, more or so protective. A few apologizes are thrown my way. Lou then speaks up, "Oh, we were supposed to ask you this when you got back.", he says catching my full attention, "Did you see what Zayn posted tonight?". I shake my head, and log onto the app.

Going to Zayn's profile, I see the photo of us. The photo of the two of us kissing that night on the roof. He posted it, and wrote, "A lot of you are wondering why I left, this is why.". Reading through the mentions I notice some fans sticking up for me, while others not being so nice.

"How..how could he do this to me?", I speak through tears. Harry stands up from the bed, "It's alright love, the truth will come out.". I shake my head and make my way towards the door. "I..,I'll be in my room. Night guys, love you.", they all nod to my response. I notice Liam making his way to follow me, but Niall and Harry hold him back.

I slowly make my way to my room, two down from Nialls. I jump into bed and look up at the ceiling above me. What am I going to do?

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