Bad Dancing and The First Video Diary

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After spending the break with each other, we decide to spend some alone time before demands were put on us. I decided to go to the coffee shop next door to the hotel to get a drink. Walking inside of the shop, I heard someone saying my name. Turning around I see a younger girl, about ten with her mother. Shyly, she speaks to me, "I was wondering if I could take a photo with you? I've been watching you on the television.". Smiling I accept, bending down to match her height, I pose for her mother to snap a quick photo. We quickly hug and she says thank you, and then proceeds to follow her mother outside of the store. I make my way towards the register, and order my favorite drink. My drink is handed towards me, as I'm grabbing it, I was asked a question. "Can I ask you what TV show you are on? I heard the conversation between you and the younger girl.", the teenager asks behind the counter. I explain to them about The X Factor and how I am apart of a band with five other members. This results in them asking for my autograph, because they 'knew I'd be big and famous one day'. I sign a napkin for them and thank them for the compliment.

I return to my room to enjoy my coffee. I decide to go through my emails to read specific instructions from the shows crew. In a recent email, there is mention of video diaries to be aired during each episode. The paragraph states that we all have to be in each video and we need to find a common area to film. Texting the group chat, I ask them if they know anywhere to film the diaries. Zayn lets us know that there are a flight of stairs by his hotel room that we could all sit on. We all agree on the location, and plan a time to film this weeks video diary. I spend the last of my day catching up on shows that I have been missing. Night begins to make its way across the city, and I decide to get ready for bed. After showering, I brush my teeth then hop into bed.

Waking up to my alarm, I rise out of bed to get ready to film today. We have to train with our coach and film the video diary for this week. I loosely curl my hair and decide on a pair of skinny jeans with a blue graphic shirt. Applying simple makeup, I receive a call from Louis saying that they are all waiting for me. Hurrying up, I finish my makeup and walk to the lobby to meet the boys. We all hop onto the bus and head towards the arena. Simon, being the coach of the group, announces that we are going to learn a dance today. The six of us share a similar look, letting each other know that we can't dance. How bad could this go? The answer was terrible. Not matter how hard we tried, at least one of us messed up. Liam couldn't time his moves right, Lou and Harry kept messing around with each other, then Niall and I couldn't time our moves correctly. After awhile Zayn walked off the stage saying he was done embarrassing himself. Simon had to talk him back on stage with threatening that we will be sent home. We practice the dance for another hour before practicing the song we will sing this week.

We slowly make our way towards Zayn's hotel room to film the video diaries. My legs have never hurt this much, I'm surprised that I'm even walking. Arriving at the staircase, we decide to sit on the second set of stairs. Niall and Zayn climb to the top of the steps, Louis and I sit in the middle, and that leaves Harry and Liam to sit at the bottom of the stairs. Liam sets up the camera given to us by production, making sure that we are all in frame. Taking his seat, we began the video. "Hi, we're One Direction and this is our video diary.", Louis speaks being the first one to talk. Harry then continues to explain how viewers can return every week for a new video diary. Talk begins about how we will be moving in with each other soon, a house was provided by the show due to us advancing. We all share one bedroom of the house, the judges and crew debated on putting me with the boys. I settled the debate by saying I would rather be with the boys than random people I didn't know. Also, I mentioned that I would spend most of my time with the boys anyway. Harry then speaks up about the living situation, "Sharing a room with five of the best friends in the world.". He is soon cut of by Louis, "Aw Harry.", he shouts loudly. We then go on to talk about the song we will be preforming soon and how dancing killed us today. Deciding to stop being shy, I mention how fans could submit us questions in the comments or by clicking a link that will be provided for them. Ending the video, we all say our goodbyes and shut off the camera. "Well," Niall starts, "that could have gone worse.". Laughing in agreement, we all start heading up the rest of the stairs to go to Zayn's room. He mentioned that the rest of his roommates got sent home early, so there was plenty of room for the rest of us. The rest of the night is filled with takeout pizza and movies.

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