An Unsuspected Surprise

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(Major Fast Forward, I wanted to release a chapter before the 10th reunion, I will then release a chapter after July 23rd.)

[March 2020] August 2015

Stretching my limbs, I open my eyes and let the bright light from the windows shine into them. Turning to my side, I notice that the typically crowded bed was empty. Curious, I move the blankets off of me, and get out of the bed. I slide my slippers on and make my way downstairs. A familiar voice greets my ears, causing a smile to form on my face. "So how is everyone today?", I hear Liam ask, typically the question would take me off guard, but he has been livestreaming like crazy since we have been quarantined. I stop in the doorway of the room, watching him interact with the thousands of fans watching him. A giggle passes my lips as Liam tells a funny story, this then makes him turn his attention towards me. "Oh, good morning love.", he smiles towards me, "How long have you been watching?". I mention that I have only been there for a few minutes, and he turns his attention back to the phone in front of him. He skims through the chat, "I see multiple of you want to see Y/N, let me ask.". He turns towards me, causing me to shake my head, "I'm in my pajamas and don't have any makeup on Li.", I say to him. He shakes his head and pats the couch cushion next to him, leaving me no choice, but to join him. "Isn't she beautiful?", Liam asks to the chat. Messages flood in, agreeing with his statement. We continue to answer questions for about another hour.


[May 2020]

I pull my car into an empty garage, after putting the vehicle in park, I check my phone for any messages. A dry phone makes me wonder even more. A yellow envelope catches my eye, it is attached to the garage door leading into the house. My name is wrote in a cursive handwriting, which I can detect is in fact Liam's. Opening the small envelope, I pull out a small note, I unfold it to discover a small message inside. "Y/N, for your next clue, head to the place where we typically get a sweet treat, it is located near something that keeps you neat.- Love Liam.", I read aloud into the garage. I turn my head slightly to the side, "A scavenger hunt?", I say to myself. A few seconds pass by, before an idea comes to my head. He must be talking about, Mateo's Ice Cream shop which is close to our house, Liam and I take our Sunday walks to the shop. I quickly get back into my car and head to Mateo's. 

The minute I walk into the shop, the staffs attention is soon put on me, I assume Liam somehow roped them into this. I notice a large pile of napkins on the front counter, I approach the counter, and a woman with a large smile stands in front of me. "Hold on for a few seconds honey, we have something for you.", she says in a sweet voice. A chocolate milkshake is soon put in front of me, I reach into my bag to pull some money out, but she raises her hand. "A man already paid for it, but he did ask us to give you this.", she mentions, and hands over another yellow envelope. I thank her, and take the clue back to my car. This clue shorter than the other reads, "Hopefully you were successful, go to the place that makes you less stressful", my mind reads. I put my car into drive and head to my next spot. 

Heading to the familiar bench, the smell of salt water fills my nostrils. The waves crashing on to the shore, take me back to a memory with Liam. I became overly stressed due to having writers block for two weeks, it consumed my life. Liam soon noticed how the whole situation affected me. He drove me to this beach and told me to listen to the random sounds around me, the waves calming me instantly. The event helped me pull out of my writers block and aloud me to finish my second album. I stand in front of the bench, confusion taking over my thoughts. "If I was a secret clue, where would I be?", I ask to myself. My hand slowly makes my way up to my forehead, making a slight slapping noise. I kneel down, letting the warm sand surround my knees. Looking underneath the bench I find another envelope attached to the underneath of the bench. I take the warm note into my hand, and open it quickly, eager to figure out what my next clue is. I begin to read aloud, "You have been to some of our familiar places, head back home to see some familiar faces.". A smile forms on my face, did he somehow manage to get my parents into the states? Travel has been yielded due to all of the coronavirus stuff going around. The racing thought continue as I make it to my car. 

I arrive back home, parking my car and walking through the door. I notice all the lights are off, besides a slight glow from the dining room. Liam is soon in front of me, he brings me into a quick hug. "I see you found the last clue," he says with a soft laugh, causing me to smile, "I had to keep you busy this afternoon, but now some people are here for dinner.". He grabs my hand and slowly leads me into the dinning room. The faces I see aren't the ones that I am expecting, they are ones that I haven't seen in over a year. Tears spring to my eyes as I rush to hug each of the figures in front of me. I grab the closest person next to me, and bring them into a tight hug. "Good to see you too love.", the Irish voice greeted me. "I missed you too Niall.", I respond back. I hug the rest the other two boys, and we sit down to eat dinner. The boys mention that they all worked on the pasta dinner in front of us, I thank them for spending time on it. "So what is the real reason everyone is here?", I ask to the group. Louis turns to me, "Well, first we just missed both of you, and we need to talk about something.", he states. Concern grows on my face as I wait for someone to continue, Harry then is the next one to speak. "The tenth anniversary is coming up, and we need to decide on what we are going to do.", he says. We begin to talk about all possibilities, whether we should release old songs, the Infinity music video, or have a reunion. The conversation takes almost two hours, due to it being a very intense topic. I sit my glass of wine down on the table, before speaking. "Well," I state, "I guess that decides it, for the tenth anniversary, we are going to...".

(Bum Bum Bum, I plan on continuing this after we figure out any new information. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, this was rushed a little bit. xx)

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