Right Back Where We Started

457 11 7

The sand caresses my feet as I step out onto the beach that I haven't been to in years. Memories from our first album comeback to me as the fresh sea air fills my nostrils. I am soon brought out of my flashbacks as a hand gently rests on my shoulder.

"This is crazy Y/N/N.", Harry says as he takes in the scenic view in front of us. We both watch as Louis and Niall chase each other around, throwing sand at each other while laughing as loudly as possible. A few feet away, Liam and Zayn are trying to set up a sun free area for Felicite to enjoy the day as well. The infant giggles as she watches her father and uncle try to figure out the patterned umbrella. Harry grabs my hand as he drags me towards the fun in front of us. He joins the sand throwing festivities as I take a seat next to my daughter.

"Whoops.", I hear from Zayn randomly. I look up to see Liam somehow trapped inside of the umbrella. "You know," I began as I was choking back a laugh, "I thought this was something that only happened in cartoons.". Laughter takes over me as I watch Zayn try to help him escape. Minutes pass and Liam is soon free from his capturer, the two finally manage to setup the large shader. I pass Liam a tube of sunscreen to apply to himself and Fe. Shortly after I am soon met with sand thrown in my face.

After brushing off my face I'm soon met by the guilty party. I stand up from the blanket and grab a handful of substance below me. "I'd start running Ni.", Zayn says from behind me as Niall's eyes grow wider. We soon start a chase, running next to the flowing water. He tries to hide behind Louis and Harry, begging for some sort of protection. Instead, the two share a devilish look and grab the Irishman. With Niall being held out in front of me, I smash the sand directly in his face. Once we all manage to calm down from laughing, I start to help brush off the sand off Niall. 

We all make our way back to Liam and Zayn to begin a band meeting. "Mr. Tomlinson you have the floor.", Judge Liam motions towards the oldest of the group. Louis clears his throat before speaking, "Lady and Gentleman, I would like to present the notion of us filming our new music video at this location, thoughts?". The rest of us turn to look at each other before Niall stands up to share his thoughts. "Well," Niall begins, "I think the fans will go nuts if we do, imagine them just freaking out about the promo.". I nod towards the man, showing that I agree with his statement. The meeting continues for about ten more minutes and ends with us agreeing to film the music video on the beach.  


(Hello lovelies, I hope everyone is doing well. It's getting a little harder to continue this fanfic due to not having a lot of material to work off of. So, feel free to leave any suggestions about where to take the story or things you would like to see added in. I will try to get a couple more chapters out before April, because I will be busy due to my wedding and the end of the university year. Much love! As always, stay safe and TPWK - TSE xxx.) 

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