Bootcamp (Part 1)

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A few weeks after my audition, I was sent directions on how to prepare for the next stage of The X Factor. Bootcamp. They mentioned that I would be rooming with other girls around my age, this makes me wonder if I will ever interact with Harry. I began packing my bags, putting everything I could ever needs, and probably some things that I won't even use. Making my way to the living room, I hear multiple voices. I notice one of them being my grandmother, which causes me to quicken my pace. "There she is!', I hear her shout the second my presence is known. "Hi Grandma, I didn't know that you were coming today.", I quickly mention before wrapping her up in a hug. After our hug finished, she states that she wanted to see me one last time before I leave. We all decide to continue our conversations over coffee and tea.

About an hour later, my mother notes that I should leave if I want to be early at check-in. Saying goodbye to my grandmother and father, I take one last look around the house to make sure I have all of my items. Walking to the car with my mother, I prepare myself for the two hour long drive. I begin to text Harry, asking him what time he plans on being at the hotel. After waiting a few minutes for a response, I decide to put my phone away and start a conversation with my mother. Even though I try to distract myself from Harry, I can't help but wonder if he is okay. We usually exchange a few texts by now. I try not to let it bother me for the rest of the car ride.

We arrive at the hotel located next to the Wembley Arena in London. I notice a large group of people and a smaller group of camera operators. My mother and I go through all the steps of checking in, then walk towards my room. Standing in front of my door, I recognize three other names: Emily Jackson, Audrey Smith, and Cher Lloyd. I make the assumption that these are the girls that I am rooming with. Inserting the keycard into the reader, I slowly open the door to see two girls putting away their things. "Hello there", a sweet voice greets me, "I'm Emily and this is Audrey. You must be Y/N?". I nod and reach my hand out to shake both of their hands. My mother makes her way over to the empty bed and places my bags upon them. She grabs me to put me into a hug, kisses my head and wishes me the best of luck. After our goodbyes, Emily, Audrey, and I begin introducing ourselves more. They mention Cher, and say that she went to hang out with some of her friends. Once that statement is made, I feel a buzz in my pocket.

Reaching into my pocket, I bring my phone out to see a few texts from no other than Harry Styles himself. Reading them, he apologizes for not answering me sooner, and states that his mother invited most of his family over this morning before he left. I quickly respond sending him a message back letting him that it was okay. Emily mentions that we should go down to the main area of the hotel, due to their being multiple venders. Audrey and I agree with her, and begin to make our way down the hallway to the elevator. Once we make our way to the bottom floor, I notice more production crews filming. I see a blond haired boy being interviewed, listening in I hear him talk about his family back in Mullingar, Ireland. He seems very nice and I notice that his laugh is very contagious. Walking with the girls, we stumble upon a stand that is selling t-shirts with the X-Factor logo on them. I decide to buy one for my grandmother, hopefully I don't lose it before I give it to her. We continue to make our way around the main area looking at all of the vendors. After we pass the last vendor we decide to find a place to sit. I hear a familiar laugh, raising my head from my phone. I see the blond boy sitting next to Emily, he begins to insert himself into a conversation with us.

"My name is Niall", he starts, "this is one of the only seats left, I hope you don't mind.". We all introduce ourselves to him and let him know that it isn't a problem. I engage in a conversation with him along with Emily and Audrey, but I still look around for the brown curls that I met a few weeks ago. Being unsuccessful, I decide to turn my attention to Niall and the rest of the group. A voice shouts for us all to pay attention, I notice a crew member holding a megaphone up to their mouth. Everyone slowly turns to pay attention to them. The crew member mentions that dinner will be served soon, and that we should all head back to our rooms where our food will be provided for us. The girls and I exchange numbers with Niall and make our way towards our room. I see a girl standing in front of our door digging through her purse. Emily and Audrey don't seemed to worried, so I begin to wonder if that is our fourth roommate. "Hey Cher, looking for something?", Audrey speaks up as she approaches. Cher turns towards the group with her thick accent and mentions that she lost her keycard to the room. Audrey reaches into her bag, pulling out a keycard which grants us access to our room. After entering the room, Emily introduces me to Cher and mentions that I showed up while she was gone. Instead of a handshake like the other girls, Cher pulls me into a tight hug. She seems excited to be roommates, which I make note of. I decide to unpack the rest of my things to pass the time before our food gets here. A few minutes pass and we all hear a knock on the door. Cher being close to the door, opens it up to be greeted by a person pushing a cart. They describe the three different types of meal that we can decide from. I pick the chicken meal, since it looks the best out of all of them. After we all receive our meals, we turn on the tv to find a movie to watch. I'm almost done with my dinner before I get a phone call.

A name flashes across my phone screen, I decide to go to the bathroom to answer to not disturb from the movie. Picking up the call I realize that it is Harry. A deep voice comes through my speaker, "Y/N, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to really talk to you all day. But, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out now?". I think back to what the paperwork that I signed earlier, it mentioned that we were free to due what we wanted to do as long as we showed up the arena on time tomorrow. "Sure Harry, where are we planning on meeting?", I spoke through the phone. He mentions that there are a few benches outside of the hotel that we could meet at. I accept and tell him that I'll be there as quick as I could. Before exiting the room, I mention that I'll be back later. Walking downstairs to the front of the hotel, I realize that I am wearing my pajamas. Hopefully Harry doesn't mind my appearance. Looking around the front of the hotel, I see a figure waving at me. I decide that figure has to be Harry, walking towards him, I realize that he is also wearing his pajamas. "Nice pajamas.", he laugh towards me. I decide to laugh back at him and say, "right back at you.". We both find a bench to sit and talk about our roommates. He mentions that his three roommates have different interests than him, so it is sort of hard for him to make friendship with them. I state that my roommates were pretty nice, but we still don't know everything about each other. Harry and I exchanged conversation for about an hour and we realized that it was starting to get pretty late. He decided that we should head back to our rooms if we want to be up early enough for tomorrow. Harry insisted on walking me back to my room, even though I stated multiple times I could go by myself. He dropped me off at my door, memorizing my room number before wrapping me in a hug. He proceeded to whisper a goodnight to me, and I did the same.

I enter the room to notice they tv still on, but all the girls are fast asleep. As quietly as I could, I turned off the television and climbed into bed. Setting my alarm for eight in the morning, I decide to stretch my body one last time before closing my eyes.

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