A Day with Louis

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(The next four chapters are going to be about spending a day with each member. After these I'll probably announce the hiatus within the chapters)

[July 12, 2015]

Scrolling through my phone, I feel a presence of an object in front of me. Looking up from my device, I see a smiling Louis. "Hey love, what are you doing today?", he asks. I simply state that I don't have any plans today, this causes him to grin even more. "I know the most of the time that we hang out we usually get in trouble...but, do you wanna hang out?", he asks laughing. Laughing in response I let him know that I would love to.

We head out of the hotel room, and run into Paul. Louis lets him know that we are just going to walk around near the hotel, Paul then objects and lets us know he will be coming with us. "Although it's not that big of an area, I still don't trust it here.", Paul states. We oblige and wait for him to get his things xx around.

Opening the front door for us, we are immediately greeted by fans. These ones being nicer than the usual crowd we run into. Louis and I make sure to take photos and sign things for the small group. A fan let's us know that there is a park near by that her and her friends hang out with, she mentions that we would probably be alone there. Louis and I both thank her and head the way she pointed us.

Arriving at the park, Paul mentions that he'll hang back a few feet from us to let us have some alone time with each other. We all begin walking on the sidewalk that surrounds the perimeter of the park.

Louis and I start talking about the past few months. "How have you been dealing with the whole Zayn situation?", Lou asks towards my way. I sigh before answering the question, "I mean it could be worse, at least the fans don't know that it was my fault yet.", I shrug. Louis scoffs, "How many times do we have to tell you-..", I cut him off before he can continue. "I know, I know, it's not my fault," I start, "but the truth will get out there either by Zayn or the paps.". Lou then simply just nods to my statement.

Lou and I continue to walk around the park for a few minutes in silence before he speaks up. "You know, I'm tired too.", he says causing me to look strangely at him. My mind flashes me back to the day Zayn left, I told them all I was tired of this fame life. He brings me out of my thoughts, "I just miss my mum and siblings you know?", he says sadly. I nod towards him, realizing that I haven't seen my parents since Christmas. 

We almost lap the park for the fourth time when Lou stops me in front of the van we came in. He sighs and brings his hand up to push some of his hair back. "Can I tell you something?", he asks as I take a drink of water. I nod, turning my full attention to him. "Well do you remember that girl I hung out with a while back?", he questions towards me. I think for a few minutes, "Do you mean Briana?". Putting down his water bottle, he answers, "That's the one. She's pregnant.". My eyes widen, "Does that mean..?", I ask before assuming. He nods and lets me know that he is excited. I wrap him in a tight hug and congratulate him.

Paul makes his way closer to us, and mentions getting into the van to go back to the rest of the boys. "Come on you two before you make me have feelings.", Paul states causing the two of us to burst out in laughter.

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