Back Home in Liverpool

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I've been home for about a week, spending time catching up with all of my family and sadly lying around. My mother convinced me to try to get out of the house today, something I haven't done since my return. Logging onto the computer, I search up the Royal Albert Dock, and see if they have any events going on today. The site lets me know that although there isn't any events I can still visit the docks as long as I'm a Liverpool native. Making up my mind to visit the docks, I make my way to the bathroom. Reaching into the shower, I turn the water onto the hottest setting. I remove the bracelet that Harry gave me before he left to avoid damaging it with water. He bought it during one of our public outings for the show. Jumping in the shower, I quickly do my routine to manage my water usage. Once I'm finished, I wrap a white towel around my body and begin my skincare routine. After finishing, I head to my room to find clothes to wear. Taking a quick look at my weather app, I notice that it is supposed to snow later, since it's still winter. Finding a pair of jeans on my floor, I begin to search for a long sleeved shirt. In the process I find one of my warmer coats to layer myself with. After applying all of my clothes and sliding on my boots, I head outside of the house leaving a note for my mother when she gets home from work. Walking towards the dock, I notice a shortage of people outside. It probably has to deal with the cold I think to myself. Arriving at the docks, I see a few elderly couples sitting on benches watching their surroundings. I decide to walk to the furthest that I can to potentially avoid contact with anyone.

Sitting at a table located at the end of the docks, I reach into my bag to pull out my journal. I rub my fingers across outside, feeling the soft fabric. Opening to the middle of the pages, I find the song I was working on. I have yet to finish it, but have already decided on a title: "Moments". I'd be lying if I told anyone that this song wasn't about a certain boy that I bonded with. The song is harder to write due to the band agreement we made in the earlier stages of the band. All sixth of us agreed to not forming romantic relationships with each other. The task seemed easy to Harry, Louis, and Niall, due their girlfriends back home. Trying to remember their names, I stare off into the water, until the names Tiana, Annazette, and Julianne came to my head. From what I was told, they all seemed like wonderful girls and I was happy for the boys. Liam and I became pretty close during the time we spent together, but decided to stop hanging with each other alone due the band agreement.

Coming out of my thoughts, I picked up my pencil and started writing. Pondering my head for thoughts, a verse came to my head. Quickly writing down in my nicest handwriting, the words: "Close the door, through the key. Don't wanna be reminded, don't wanna be seen. Don't wanna be without you.", make their way upon the crumbled page. Continuing to write, I am soon stopped by memories flowing through my head. I think of Louis and all of his loud antics. Zayn being shy, but shouting 'Vas Happenin' any time that he could. Liam having movie nights with me, and running around the city at night. Niall always sharing his food with me and not the rest of the boys. Then Harry making sure I was always okay. Knowing that I needed to head home before I cried in public, I closed my journal and returned it to my bag. Swiftly walking back home, I arrived before my mother. Removing all of my layers, I change into pajamas and hop into my bed.

Tears fall down my face, this isn't an unusual occurrence. I have started to cry more since we weren't sent home. They boys always told me that I was the most sensitive person that they knew. I decide to reach out to the boys, hoping that they could make my week better. Sending a message to the group chat, I type out "I miss you guys" with a sad emoji. Debating on hitting send, my mind tells me to send the text. My finger finds the button despite my eyes being clouded due to my tears. A few moments later, I'm bombarded by text messages asking if everything is okay. Typing out another text, a call comes through. It's Liam, we've called a few times since being home. Picking up, I'm greeted by a worried voice. "Y/N, Love, are you okay?", he asks through the phone. Nodding, then realizing he can't see me, I say yes, but mention that I just miss spending time with him and the boys. "Well we will be together again soon to start recording, so just wait a few more days okay?", Liam states. Being confused, I stop him, "Wait, what do you mean?". He asks if Simon has called me yet, unsure, I just answer no. Staying on the phone with Liam, I run downstairs to check our home phone for messages. The number one stares back at me flashing on the machine. Pressing play on the device, I hear Simons voice fill my ears. Putting Liam on speaker so I could hear both clearly. "I have decided to ask all of you if you would like to join my record deal, Syco Music. Let me know what you think Y/N, please give me a call back.", Simon ends his message. My eyes widen, and I tell Liam I'll call him back. Before hanging up, he erupts with laughter. Calling Simon, I tell him yes. He mentions that all of the boys have agreed as well and gives me important details about signing onto his record label. After the call ends, my mother walks through the front door. "Mom, I think I just became famous.", I state towards her. When spend the rest of the time before my father came home cooking and talking about the record deal. Maybe this really isn't the end of One Direction.

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