A Day With Harry

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[July 18, 2015]

It is the first day of our three day break, and today Harry asked me to join him for a hike. He mentioned that there is a trail next to the hotel we are staying at in Edmonton, Canada. I believe he said it's called "Wood Bison Trail", or something of that nature. Looking the trail online, it shows that the trail is very difficult, but Harry doesn't seem to think twice about it. Hopefully it all goes well.

Paul drops us off at the trail, since there is hardly anyone at the trail, Paul feels like we will be safe from crowds. He mentions that he'll be back for us in about an hour. Waving goodbye, Harry and I turn our backs to the parking lot and make our way to the trail.

We begin talking about random things, some important, others not so much. "Look Y/N, there's a moose.", Harry points out mid-conversation. He quietly takes a photo, then turns back to continue on the trail.

~1 Hour Passes~

Paul texts Harry letting him know that we need to head back to the parking lot. We send Paul a quick okay before continuing our journey. "Hey," Harry starts, "do you wanna race for a little? We could get back to Paul sooner.". I ponder his question for a bit before answering him. "What could go wrong?", I say. We both line up and get ready to run.

~Harrys POV~

I look over at Y/N, she bends down to make sure her shoes are tied tight and then reaches to her hair to pull her ponytail tighter. We both smile at each other and begin to run. I gain a decent amount of distance from Y/N. A laugh comes out of my mouth, and I yell back at her. "If you don't hurry up, Paul and I will leave you!", I say jokingly. I wait for a response, and nothing passes through my ears. I turn around to glance back at Y/N and become confused.

Putting my hands behind my head, I try to catch my breath. I begin searching around, but I can't seem to find the girl that I came here with. "Y/N!", I shout into the open, "Where are you?". A weird feeling begins in the lower part of my stomach. Somethings wrong. My eyes scan everywhere for her. Walking back to where we started, I notice a small cave like hole. I sent a quick prayer to myself and get closer to the hole.

Looking inside the hole I see the face I'm looking for. "Y/N, can you hear me?", I ask loudly. She doesn't make any movement or acknowledge my voice. I sigh deeply as I try to figure out what to do. I call Paul and give him the best directions to where we are, and wait for him. A few minutes go by, and I just keep staring down at the girl in the hole.

"Okay Y/N," I say to her even though I know she can't hear me, "I'm gonna reach down to get you.". My long arms reach down to the girl, I quickly grab onto her shoulders. Trying to pull her up, I notice my feet slipping. "Shit.", I swear under my breath, "Love I really need you to get up.". I begin to shout at her, trying to get some type of reaction out of her. Just when I thought our day couldn't get any worse, I fall into the hole alongside my bandmate.

My elbows become scratched, small dots of blood begin seeping from them. Looking at Y/N in front of me I notice a small amount of blood on her forehead. I conclude that she must have hit her head on her way down. I tear the shirt off my body and place it firmly on her head. "We will be okay Y/N.", I say aloud for her, but I know deep down it is for me as well.

A few more minutes go by and I hear Paul shouting for us. I shout back and he finds the hole that we are both down. I take Y/N into my arms and push her up to Paul. He safely puts her on the ground and then reaches back down to help me out. I immediately pull Paul into a hug thanking him for saving us. He grabs Y/N and we head to the hospital.


I awake in a small white room, damn my head hurts. Reaching up to my hair line I feel a bandage wrapped around my head. I sigh to myself, first I get a black eye this week and now possibly stitches. The turn of the door handle  alerts my attention. Paul and Harry walk in with coffee in their hands. Harry almost drops his once he notices that I am awake. "Oh my god, I was so scared Y/N.", he says to me as he wraps me in a hug. I hug him tightly and wait for him to let go.

Paul starts to talk about my stitches and mentions that I have a concussion. He also mentions how I have to miss the next three/four concerts. I nod silently, listening to the list of things I can and can't do.

~At The Hotel~

Paul opens the door for Harry and I, letting us back into the hotel room. He hugs me goodbye and goes back to the security room. I'm greeted by flowers and get well soon cards. The boys each take turns mentioning how worried they were and how I need to be more careful. I just thank them all and rally them all in for a group hug.

[Sorry if this one was weird, I kinda just wrote as I thought lol]

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