The Harvest Havoc

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(Hello all! This is a chapter that takes place in the future, due to it not being Thanksgiving yet. I decided to go ahead and post this chapter, since I have no posted a decently sized one in a while. There is a surprise in this chapter, and I hope you all enjoy that. I will write more about the wedding soon. Also, imagine that everyone got Covid testing before meeting up lol. Stay safe, be kind, and happy reading! Much love xxx- TSE) 

{November 25th, 2020}

The loud beeping of Liam's alarm wakes me up from my deep slumber. I reach across the king sized bed and smack the off button. A groan passes through my lips, as I stretch my body. Confusion takes over my mind while I look around the bedroom, trying to find my fiancé. Liam typically doesn't wake up before his alarm, and if he does, he usually shuts it off so it doesn't wake me. I push the two blankets off my legs and get up to find the location of the Wolverhampton man. Walking down the stairs, I hear his he on the phone? I walk halfway down the stairs, coming a bit closer to hear his conversation. It might seem sort of rude, but nothing interesting has happened in the past couple months.

"It would mean a lot to all of us mate, it's been a while.", Liam speaks over the phone. Is he talking to one of the boys? I wonder if one of them can't make it to the Thanksgiving dinner. Since we didn't grow up in America, we didn't celebrate the holiday growing up. All six of us decided to celebrate this year, just to spend more time with each other. "You're welcome to spend a few days with us, we have a guest room open.", Liam says to the mystery person on the other side of the line. After a few more minutes he ends the conversation causing me to stand up. I walk down the rest of the steps to make it seem like I wasn't just listening to his conversation for the past five minutes.

"Oh, good morning love.", Liam says to me ask he makes his way into the kitchen. "I figure we can eat some cereal, and then head down the street to the shops.", he mentions as he pulls the box of cereal out of the cabinet. "That sounds great Li,", I say as I reach up into the cabinet to grab a couple bowls, "I only need to buy a few things.".
Liam locked the front door and we began to walk down the street towards the local market. I enjoy the location where we live, it's private but still close enough to businesses. "I meant to mention this earlier, but I invited a guest to our Thanksgiving.", Liam says as he grabs my hand. He laces his fingers with mine and then continues, "I hope you don't mind love.". I shake my head before speaking, "It's alright Li, I don't mind.". He then tells me that the guest is a surprise, and that I can't know who they are until they arrive tonight.
We arrive back home and unpack the few groceries that we purchased earlier. I grab a water bottle from the fridge before giving Liam a quick kiss on the cheek. "I have a meeting with the record company for about an hour.", I say to him. "Sounds good love, have a fun time.", he calls as I begin to walk to the study.

"We need to push another album out Y/N, the fans want more.", my manager stated to me over the zoom call. I throw my head back and let out a sigh, "I have a few songs finished, I can try to get some out this weekend.", I say to the group of five people on the call. The sound of the doorbell pulls me out of my thoughts. "I think we've covered everything, good luck with the song writing Y/N.", the head of the company says before logging off the zoom. I say quick goodbye to the rest, and shut my laptop screen.

I remember that the doorbell rang a bit ago, must be our surprise guest. Making my way downstairs, I hear a familiar voice. "No, it can't be..", I say to myself quietly on the last step. I make my way to the two voices in the house. Walking into the living room, my steps come to a halt and shock takes over my face. Liam steps closer to me, grabbing my hand a pulling me closer to the guest who sits at the dinning room table. "I'll give you two some time alone.", he says to the both of us.

The Six Members of One DirectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora