"We'll do it right this time."

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"Well, that settles it then," Zayn says with a sigh, "I'm going to tell them yes.". A smile stretches upon my face as I race back to the living room. I truly can't believe that we are doing this for a second time. I return into the room and take my seat next to Niall who was currently trying to entertain my daughter. Zayn enters the room, taking his place by Liam. Four sets of eyes dart to his face, waiting on an answer. "I've had some time to think," he begins, "and I think I will join you guys.". Cheer erupts from all sides of the living room, including screeches from a one-year-old. 


(Later That Day)

 hear a sigh as I stir the boiling pasta on the stove, this causes me to turn to the other inhibitor of the kitchen. "You alright Z?", I question the man constructing the side salads on the island. He nods as he continues to chop carrots, "Yeah...I'm just worried, you know?". I nod to his question and admit that I am worried about the whole idea myself. "I'm excited, but I just don't know what will happen if things go negative again.", Zayn admits to me. I take the pot off the burner before turning towards him, "It's okay to be scared Zayn, we all are.". I place a hand on his shoulder before speaking. "We're older now," I begin, "we'll do it right this time.". He sends me a smile alongside a nod, and we continue to finish dinner.


(Next Morning)

I hand a large coffee to Louis and take a seat next to him. "Thanks Y/N/N, we need these today.", he responds as takes a large gulp of his drink. It has been a while since any of us wrote songs together, so I'm sure this is going to be a long day. Louis pulls out about a billion pieces of paper with some pencils and spreads them across the table. Minutes of silence go by as we ponder for any type of lyrics. I lay my head back and look up towards the ceiling. Boredom takes over my brain as I begin to make some random noise with my lips. "Love, I appreciate you helping," Louis begins, "but if don't stop making that noise, I'm going to punch you.".  His comment makes me close my mouth, but he decides to playfully punch me anyway. 

"We just need one sentence, just something random.", he says as he rubs his hands over his face in desperation. Louis and I begin saying words back and forth, trying to play off each other. "Old", "New", "Past", "Future", "Beginnings". This continues for about five more minutes until an extra person joins us, Niall. "So, I guess it's not going as plan?", he says to the both of us. Louis lets out an audible groan to answer his question. A signature laugh makes it way out of the boy as he takes a seat next to us. "Don't you guys remember how we wrote Never Enough?", the Irishman asks us. We turn our attention towards him, waiting on an answer to fix our writer's block. Niall then begins retelling the story of how Liam held his breath in until he random stuttered out some random lyrics. Louis and I turn towards each other and shrugged. Well, nothing else is working, so why not? 

After being decided to go first, I move my chair so I'm facing the two. I take a deep gasp of air and begin to hold it inside. A worried look falls onto the boys faces as I get closer to the thirty second mark. I feel the blood rushing to my face, probably forcing my face to look as red as a tomato. About three more seconds' pass and I am forced to release the breath I am holding. "And we'll leave it all behind for a new beginning.", blurts out of my mouth causing the two boys to erupt with joy. Louis begins to scribble down the sentence and I thank Niall for his help. We continue to create the new single for our next album.

(I'm so so sorry for that sh*t ending)


(Hello all! Sorry that this took so long and is pretty short, I've been pretty busy with wedding planning and college. I get married in 51 days! So, these might become less frequent as time gets closer. My cousins and I are also going to see Louis this Saturday (2/26/22), and I'll probably upload footage of that to my YouTube and/or Tik-Tok. Hope you all are well, and as always, stay safe and TPWK. -TSE xxx)

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