Some Good News and Some Bad

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"I guess that decides it, we aren't getting back yet. Is everyone okay with that?", I ask to the four people in front of me, they all shake their heads agreeing with the statement. Harry sighs and runs his hands through his now shorter hair, "What if we are letting them down?", he asks aloud into the room. Niall, who is setting in the chair next to him, puts his hand on Harrys shoulder, "They'll understand Haz, they have for the past 4/5 years, they're still here.", Niall says trying to make Harry feel better. We all finish our meals, and chat about random things.

"I forgot how much fun we all have together," Lou states, causing us all to nod, "it's been so long since we have done this.". I can tell he misses the band being active out of all of us, besides maybe Niall. "Has anyone heard from Zayn?", Liam asks and the atmosphere changes in the room. A few head shakes let's me know that he hasn't been in touch with them either. I hope he's happy, doing what ever he is doing. He is going to be an amazing father, I couldn't be happier for him and Gigi.

The night starts to come to an end, when Liam exits the room for a few minutes. The boy's and I exchange our goodbyes; hugs and tears are shared throughout the group. Promises are also being made, ones to keep in touch weekly, and to hang out more when possible. A small cough interrupts us, and a shy Liam draws our attention. "I guess I wanted to do this while the boy's are still here," he says, causing me to go into a confused state. He rubs the back of his neck, before dropping down on one of his knees. Is he..? "Y/F/N F/L/N we've been together for awhile now, and it's made me realize that I love you with all of my heart, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?", he asks. With words not being able to come out of my mouth, I just nod, he places the ring on my finger and then we pull into a tight hug. Liam and the boys then share hugs, and mention that they have been planning the proposal for a few months now. After a few more minutes of talking, the boys leave to go back to their own houses, which actually weren't too far from ours.

[Sorry that this took so long guys. Please remember that I have a life outside of this fan fiction and Tik-Tok. Honestly it took me a bit to come to terms with how the 10th anniversary went. Im going to decide soon what is going to happen to the end of this fanfic lol. I hope you all are well, stay safe. Much love xx -TSE]

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