A Covid Christmas

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{December 21, 2020}

I sit my hairbrush on the vanity as my phone alerts me of a facetime, I lean my phone against the mirror so I can continue to get ready for the day. "Hey Mum and Dad.", I say to the people on the other side of the phone. "Hello dear,", my mother says while my father smiles at me, "are you ready for today?". I nod back to them, but let them know that I wish they were here in California with us. "I know love, but it isn't safe for us to travel.", my dad says with a solemn look on his face. My mum puts her hand on my fathers shoulder, trying to give him some sort of comfort. "We will still be there watching, just not in person.", she lets me know with her warming smile. I nod remembering that Niall said he would create a Zoom call for my parents to watch us. I talk to my parents for about forty minutes while doing my makeup and hair, we say our "see you laters" and hang up.

Walking over to the bedroom closet, I slide the wooden door open to reveal my clothing and some of Liam's. I scan through the clothing until I land on the bagged dress hanging in the back of the closet. Pulling it out of the closet, I lay the bag on the bed in middle of the room. I slowly unzip the bag to reveal a short white dress. Excitement and nervousness start to form in the bottom of my stomach. I get to marry the person I love today with my four best friends by our sides, but I'm essentially doing it by myself. I wish my parents were here for today, but we all decided to hold a reception ceremony when it's safer for everyone's family to attend. A soft knock on the bedroom door pulls me out of my thoughts. "Come in.", I say to the person on the other side of the door. To my surprise instead of one, two people walk through the door and enter the room.

I'm soon pulled into a hug by both Niall and Harry, I smile back to the two boys which they return. "What are you two doing here?", I say to them as I return back to the closet, looking for a certain pair of shoes to wear for the event. "Well," Niall begins, "we were getting kind of bored just sitting around downstairs with Liam, so we decided to come see what the bride was doing.". A slight laugh comes out of my mouth, "Nothing too interesting, I'm almost done, just need to get dressed.". I stand up from the floor, Niall offering me his hand for help. Walking back over to the dress on the bed, I notice Harry glancing at the dress. "Okay Mr. Fashion, I'll tell you both a surprise if you can guess the brand.", I say with a smirk to him. He shrugs, "I already know.", Harry says with confidence. Niall places his hand on his shoulder, "Don't you need a few seconds to think H? We need to get this right to earn the surprise.", he speaks with worry lacing his tone. Harry makes eye contact with me, his smirk matching mine, "Chanel.". His comment causes Niall to smack himself in the face, I let out a quick laugh before telling Harry that he was correct.

Niall stands gobsmacked as I grab the dress and walk towards the bathroom attached to the bedroom. Inside I hear Niall asking Harry how he knew the brand without even thinking. I shake my head at the two of them as I change into the dress. After pulling the dress over my head I take time to look into the mirror, making sure my appearance is fine. A smile forms on my face as I think about the rest of the event happening today. Nialls laugh pulls me out of my daydream and I reach down to open the cabinet underneath the sink. I rip out some of the folded towels looking for the item I hid from Liam about a week ago. After a few seconds of looking, I find the Christmas themed box containing the surprise item.

I walk out of the door and am met with smiles. "You look beautiful love.", Harry said causing Niall to nod in agreement. I thank them and tell them to sit on the bed. "Okay, close your eyes..", I say to them and put the box in Harrys hands, "alright open.". The both open their eyes and look down at the small box with confusion. "Okay, before you open it, you two are the only ones who will know. So don't tell anyone.", I speak to them. I then tell Niall to open the box in Harrys hand, which he slowly does, almost as if he is waiting for something to jump out at him. Instead a small gasp passes through his lips as he looks down at the stick which was in the box. Harry sits the box down on the bed and swiftly wraps me into a hug. "Are you serious?", he asks me with excitement. I nod to him and hug him tighter, Niall then joins our hug. "I can't believe this, I'm going to be an uncle again!", he shouts in a whisper, trying to not alert the other three downstairs.

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