Chapter 5

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"Ser, order your men to restrain me and take me back to my home."

"Miss, I am merely a Captain, so you should address me as such, and may I remind you, that you are in no place to demand orders."

"Take me back to my lands, by orders of your Princess."

"And may I ask, if I don't?"

"Then I will, jump off this ship and swim there myself."

My eyes fluttered open, a gasp leaves my lips as my body shot up with much force that I sat up. Eyes darting around the room I am in: the same cabin that belonged to the Captain. My eyes eventually found him, fast asleep on the couch not far off, by the desk. As I was about to calm myself, a shiver runs down my spine and I felt my whole body suddenly heat up.

My chest tightened as I felt it heat up, traveling through my throat and soon I struggled to breathe.

Through the covers off my body, swinging my legs towards the edge, and with the support of the nightstand, I stood atop my feet. Wearing the black boots, by the bed, soon I start venturing out the door and made my way out the Captain's quarters, I was welcomed by the cool air that satisfyingly cooled down my body's temperature.

But...the tightness in my chest never left.

Instead, it got worse as I attempted to gasp for much needed air in my lungs but it didn't help at all, instead, the burn ignited in my chest making me cough violently.

As I try to figure out what was wrong with me, my legs seemed to give up on me as they wobbled, with all my energy trying to keep myself balanced by holding onto a near by barrel by the side which supposedly didn't help because I tumbled on my knees and fell flat on my face on the wooden decks.

When I try getting on my feet, my legs felt so numbs as if they didn't work, "help," I managed to mutter you which left my lips like a gasp instead, because no one seemed to hear my plead.

To make things worse for me, I start hearing things ringing in my ears, which I couldn't not pinpoint them but there were there, my skin felt like it was going to peel off and I had I strong feeling pulling me towards the hem, as I start crawling through the desks, flat on my stomach.

I felt like suffocating, the fire scorched my lungs like the Sahara deserts, my mouth felt dry as I slowly felt like I was losing my energy slowly.

My head was banging with unnoticeable sounds that I couldn't point out, these sounds that were singing to me in a foreign tongue. When I got to the helm, I grabbed the wooden railing and I hauled myself up with all the mighty strengths I had left in me, it felt like I had no mind any more as I stupidly threw myself over board.

The wind hit my face with so much force and when I hit against the water, my body went cold.


The pain was gone.

And I felt numb.

But the pain seemed to revisit me as I held my breathe, which made me feel light headed, my skin started to sting and I couldn't hold in the pain as I let out a forced scream. I cursed my stupid self for jumping out the open ocean.

The tips of my finger tips stung and it grew to all the parts of my body.

Feeling a sharp sting in my spine, it felt like it tore out off my back and in between my fingers too. My legs kept kicking in the water, the bones felt like it was stretching with the other as I screamed in agony of this unusual pain to go away.

In the next moment, the pain slowly faded and I was claimed by a black oblivion.


My body felt scorched.

That was the first thing I felt.

Next was the rough surface of my body. By legs flapped vigorously and I gasped for air, that same feeling again came back and I wanted to cry. My legs kept being stabbed at what I'd assume was the sun. When I opened my eyes, I saw the bright sunlight shining down on me, feeling like I was cooked. When I glanced down at my body, my mouth opened unable to fill in that gasp as I was struggling to get at least a tiny bit of air.

I didn't see my normal legs.... instead, I saw a fucking fish tail.

Holy shit!

Looking around, I saw myself on a beach, laying on sand and when my eyes glanced at my arm— it was had fucking scales! But I had no time to react as I felt my sharp spine shocked and turned as my bones stretched resulting me to scream in agony.

I felt my bones tear apart and when I glanced down, I saw my bare pale legs, the fin was just below my feet, all teared up. I felt a sting in the edge of my eyes at the pain that shot through my body and try by all means to ignore the sun scorching my bare body.

Soon I hear thundering of feet, running towards my figure but I couldn't quite make out as my vision starts to blur.

The voices start screaming, hovering above me as I was nearly claimed by darkness. I felt something wrap around my body.

"Miss, are you alright?" An unfamiliar English voice questions, I had no strengths in me to speak no move any part of my body, fearing I would feel the pain once again.

"How did she get here?" Asked what would sound like a French accent from a woman, "I don't know but we have to get her inside."

"Miss, you are going to be fine." The voice reassures me. And as I feel arms around me, I am hauled up and brought closed to someone's chest as they start walking.

And then, I let the darkness claim me once again.


Hello my fellow readers!

I want to say, I'm so sorry for not updating, I had a major melt down and writer's block.
I leave a small chapter here but I have to inform that I have made a schedule and it's my first ever so I'm going to try a juggle it along with school work.

Please leave your comments on how you liked this chapter.

I'll try updating more.😘

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