Chapter 34

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Swimming underneath the dark water had me worried about the flesh eating sea creatures that were in there but I blocked the fear, in attempts to get this done quickly. My head jolted up to the surface as we had reach the ship that we would target, a medium sized ship made all of wood with white sails. When I saw the girl pop her head up the surface just beside me, signalling her to follow my lead and be quiet, she nods and I grab ahold of the first wooden beam, pulling myself up. Fuck you Charles. You make it look so fucking easy!

Climbing up and trying to steady my balance was hard enough as this was probably the first time I'm doing this. Looking up, the helm looked to be too far off so when my eyes shifted back in front of me, where the square holes of where the cannons would go, I first peaked my head in and saw the cost was clear before sneaking in onto the decks, the Yi Tish girl following right behind my lead. Catching our breathes, my heart pounds and I look both to my left and right seeing no man on the decks in sight. Strange. "Go below decks, I'll take care of the main deck and the captain's quarters." Miwa nodded at instruction, as I had whispered to her. She checks if no one was in sight before walking to the hatch below, leading to below decks. Still hidden in the dark shadows, waiting to see if no one would walk among the decks but none. I made my way to the captain's quarters as fast and quietly as I can, when reaching the door, placing my back against it and taking my blades in hand before creaking the door opened and entering the cabin, closing the door with my foot seeing no one in here. Scrunching my nose a little in confusion. This has to be a set up. No one leaves their ship in the wild like this, Teach would have men on guard on the Revenge day and night, heck, even Vane.

Just as I was about to sigh in relief, I feel a sharp grip on my hair and my head is bashed into the wooden wall not far off, "Jesus! Fuck! Christ!" Everything just rambled out my mouth as I clutched my pounding head. Shooting my eyes open, I see a man walk over me. "What are you here to steal, whore?" I hid my daggers on my back as I felt his hands on my arms pushing me roughly onto the desk. I heard his voice, pounding through my aching head, When you face your enemies, in combat, you have no doubt, no pity or remorse, just a girl, you must learn to live, and just like that, I thrusted the dagger in his ribcage, making him gasp. His eyes widened in realization and I kept stabbing his chest but no matter how little I seemed to him, intimidated me. Having a grip on my arms, he flung me across the cabin and I hit the wall again, making me grunt. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Don't cower, don't cower. Pushing my body to rise up as he charges at me and with my right hand, dropping the dagger and taking out my Katana, thrusting it in the ribcage, with my left hand, swiftly slitting his throat. The man had blood pour out his mouth as his skin runs cold against mine, his body soon colliding on the wooden floors.

Hearing footsteps from the outside, "Captain?" I hid just by the door as the young man enters the cabin, observing the room made of wood before his breathing hitched when he saw the man laying on the floor, presumingly being his Captain. Quickly, placing the dagger on his throat and cupping his mouth close, "Stop fighting and listen." He finally had stopped fighting in my grip, "this is what you are going to do, understood?" He nodded, trying by all means to keep himself alive.

• • • • • • • • • •

The anchor was brought in haste as asked from me. Miwa had found some men below deck and killed them, we worked together in disposing the bodies in the sea once the ship was sailed out from shore, "Left!"

"No, no, to my right!" The girl argued with me. No, we did not see eye to eye in disposing of the bodies as we fought with one another but we did the jobs as quickly and swiftly as possible, throwing them into the water. Now, the ship had sailed out the bay, of course sailing was a problem as there was only one man and a two young women here so this mysterious man whom I had not known of kept telling- commanding us what to do. With Miwa being the more reasonable one among the two of us, whom cooperated while I kept complaining to the seven hells, "Seven Hells! God's damned this!" No wonder there are more men in a pirate ship.

"Raise the anchor!"

"We already, fucking did that!" I snapped at the man whom was supposedly sailing the ship while I side the ropes secured, "Well it dropped again." Growling like the dragon that I am, and glaring up at the man on the quarter decks, giving in, I ran to the helm to retrieve the fallen anchor.

With difficulty, we finally arrived at our camp spot. Bringing down the sloops with the help of Miwa, "Bring down the anchor!" The man instructs, it's too dark and far for him to take notice of my glare as I just cursed under my breathe, "For the love of-argh!" I was not one to be given commands, instead, I was one to give them. So when this man keeps instructing me, it boiled my blood more and more. I decided to keep him alive, given the fact that I don't know how to steer...or even work a ship on my own. This would definitely take months of travel.... months? No years in fact. When the sloop as secured, Miwa climbs down and so do i- well....not after tying the man on the main mast to prevent him from not running off.

When we met once again on the shores, the older Yi Tish man seemed quite impressed at how swiftly we managed to steal a ship. If only he knew. "So, we part from here?" He questions, "Yes. I believe so."

"That was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life." Laughs Miwa wholeheartedly and warmly to ease the depressing moment of separation after our long journey together. "Yes." I nodded.

The little Yi Tish girl raised her brows, nervously fiddling with her fingers and I crouched down to her size, "Do you have a family? Mother and father you could return to if you had the choice?"

"I do not know what is that, mother and a father. Master Ozunu said he was my father...." She looked down on her feet, "What would you like to do?"

"I want to see life..." Her eyes slowly met mines again, "I don't want to part from you." Tears slipped down her pale cheeks and I could see she was trying by all means to hide the pain, "Mama can she come with us?" Charlotte asks, and we all turned to her.

"If we want to get to Essos as soon as possible, we need to leave early-!" The man bind to the mast calls out and I decided to ignore him as he was ruining the last moments we had with them before sailing to 'Essos'. "Would you really want to come along with us?" I ask, a brow raised as I search for any hesitation from the girl, "the choosing is of your will." But as I hadn't expected was that she vigorously nodded without any sort of hesitation, "Yes. I'd like to."

"Himari, you would get to leave and be far from your homelands, are you sure?" Questions Miwa and the girl nodded, holding onto my hand, "I want to see the world." She smiles, wiping her tears away. Yoshi let's out an amused chuckle, "A soul bound to the seas cannot stay kept in land always," he places his hand on the head of Himari, "Go, child." Nodding to the older man for permission.

I stood back up to my feet before Miwa engulfs me in a tight hug, "Stay safe." Hugging her back, "You too." Her father did the same, "life comes with obstacles, remember, it's no harm to meditate on it, child." He advises me and I nodded accepting it.

"Thank you for your wise advises."

"And thank you too."

"For what?"

"For taking them." He warmly smiled my way and I nodded. When we were done saying our farewells, we boarded the ship and soon we sailed off.

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