Chapter 21

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Life, here in Ocracoke couldn't get any better. It was peaceful, except for the pirates whom liked to challenge each other in a wrestling match: cutlass match, I don't know, you name it. Though, slowly, I became accustom to it. My favorite times were the night's here: the pirates would gather and make a small fire by the beach, a table would be laid right next to it and then there was food they'd feast on and the stories— oh the stories. They were the best. Old men, and young men too, would occasionally tell tales and they could easily suck you in, but, what I'd notice were, the younger men, told scary stories and for me, being easy to catch attention of, kept sucking myself into these stories and let me tell you, it was like a horror movie and I hated horror movies. I watch them, from time to time, because well....I want to, I keep putting myself in denial, that's what and everytime, at the end of those horror stories, the man telling the story had to jump scare everyone and all the girls would end up screaming. Not Ro, she was a champ in horror movies, so it was hard to scare her but at times she was indeed scared. The moments after the scary story, we'd go to sleep and those were the times I struggled to fall actually asleep because of them: always haunted by the shadows, the lighting, candles...every single little thing, which were times that drove Teach crazy like hell.

However, the elder men's stories were always filled with utter mystery every corner, and in them, they held deep meaning and purpose, they held strong morals and that's what I loved. Though, the younger men teased them of these stories they told, one elder man had the guts to tell the scariest story I have ever had and that freak the dead out of everyone.

Other than those moments, there was nothing much to do. Whores would pleasure men, men would pleasure themselves and once, me and Ro tried speaking with the girls and nothing ever came but gossiping about pirates, their dicks and all that stuff. Ergh, talk about whores. Though some, actually spoke— I mean gossiped about stuff like about the other lady's bodies and how they should tone down a bit, or this and that. Yeah, not my cup of tea, so, I spent my time with the elder men. Some were kind, some were mean. The kind ones gave me many advice in life, they taught me stuff and opened my mind on how piracy worked, I learnt that, pirates never actually wanted to be pirates, they started out as simple privateers and something pushed them to piracy, it was their way of surviving life I suppose. I started to see them in a new way, not that kind of way that Hollywood makes them look like treasure thirsty pirates.

Me and Ro have been training with Vane and Teach of how to fight with the cutlass and I loved those times. Vane would occasionally tease me of how fast I was, or how skinny I was that the the target is smaller and faster. We never spoke much....just teased each other like brother and sister, it was always an awkward moment with me and Vane when we were put in a situation able together...small conversations failed because I sucked and I normally let the other person start the conversation.

Though, I now knew the basics of fighting with a cutlass, my lessons had to come to a halt because, apparently, I was with child. Aurora was very happy for me, while I screamed 'my life is over!' from the top of my lungs. Thing is, I wasn't prepared for the toddler tantrums, the teen years, don't start with me about the adult years, the prom...oh wait, there's no prom, but the boys, argh, the boys. But slowly but surely, I picked myself up and remembered the first few magical days of a newborn, that seemed to calm me down. When I brought this news to Teach, he was surprised and asked for confirmation once again and I told him, he became... overwhelmed with joy, planting kisses on my forehead and started hugging me to death.

The bestest moment of my life. I never knew I'd ever bring someone so much joy with such a simple sentence coming out of my mouth.

However, the first few months, were like a nightmare. Hormones. Anything that dealt with hormones was an enemy to me. Every second I'd be crying for the dumbest reasons ever and every time I laughed at something funny, I'd quickly turn into something depressing real quick. I must say, Teach was surprised the time, when some men went fishing for a shark, and they started frying it and laid the whole meat on the table, it was the best thing I've ever tasted and I confirmed it, not til I quickly fell into a state of depression where I said, the shark would come alive and eat us whole. Yeah, they were not surprised I would say that but the ladies were and they quickly dropped eating the shark, sushi, I don't know. Insomnia too, I would literally wake up in the dead of night, demanding that my favourite food be brought to me at once, because if it weren't, I'd be making Teach's night's rest a living hell, so the cabin boys were running around, grabbing things that were light and brought to me: though, that happened once.

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