17. Her initiation

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The next morning when they returned to the clubhouse, Domino was gone. Though she left a note for them saying:

My daughters,

I am so sorry that I left you to the school, but at the time I thought I had no choice. I see now I should have fought harder for you both. Also, I did not tell you everything about the test. During the test you will each be given a drug that they say phts your opponent in a state of death that they can cure quickly, but the truth is that they cannot be saved.

Galaxy, I am so sorry that you had to come so early or at all, but I am proud of the powerful woman you've become. I hope that if you make it through graduation, you aren't as broken as I am.

Rose, my dear, listen to your sister. She is doing her best to protect you, even if you can't always see it. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about her earlier, but I couldn't risk her being jealous and trying to destroy you if you ever found each other, although that seems stupid now.

My girl's friends, please watch over each other. I may have betrayed my friends, but I hope that you manage to save each other.

I love you all, and I will see you all after your graduation. Do not worry, all your secrets are safe with me including that you know what the final test is.

The Banshee (Domino)

Galaxy starts plotting immediately, "Is she still on campus or did she leave last night?"

Paris moves to the laptop pulling up the video footage from last night. After running it through a program she finds exactly when Domino left and follows her till she gets on a plane. "She left at 3 am, but her flight hasn't logged a landing yet at any of the airports near your parents house."

Rosie shakes her head, "She wouldn't need to, our house has its own landing strip that doesn't log with the governments until the end of the week. I have no idea how they found a work around like this, but that's what I was told when I was a curious child."

The other girls glance at her impressed, while Galaxy pulls out the cellphone stashed in the room. Calling Mark she puts it on speaker, but signals for everyone else to stay quiet.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice answers that Galaxy immediately recognizes as her brothers.

"Hey Mark, I need a small favor." Galaxy says hoping he will go check for her.

"What is it?" He replies slightly more awake.

"Can you go see if mother came home this morning?"

"Sure, why?" Waking up more, he questions why his sister would want to know anything about the mother she hates.

"Because I might have kidnapped her last night only for her to escape and I just need to know if she went home or if she is in hiding."

Fully awake now Mark screams out, "You did what!"

Suddenly he hears a knock on his door, "Sweetie, is everything all right?" His mother asks as she opens the door.

He looks at her shocked, but covers "yeah, just some work stuff. When did you get back? Wait have you been crying?"

"Oh about an hour ago. I was having some coffee before unpacking, but I heard you yelling and figured I should check it out." Domino calmly answers him, while ignoring his question about her crying.

Once she leaves, he returns to his phone call, "You get enough?"

Galaxy sighs, "Yeah, I was really hoping she would go into hiding, but then again the safest place is probably the mansion for her."

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