Race brief and a surprise

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The next morning after qualifying Ryder, Nico and Tom woke up earlier than pups who were sleeping in Nicos room, went to dining room and made a breakfast. Tom also made breakfast for Marshall who woke up 7 minutes later after trio. Before going away he looked at his girlfriend who curled up in ball and kissed her forehead. 1 minute later he arrived to dining room and greeted other drivers and Ryder.

Tom: Mornin' Marsh. Your breakfast is ready. Sit next to me.

Marshall (yawns): Morning guys. Mornin' Ryder.

Ryder: Hi my fast pup. (giggles a little)

Nico: How was your night?

Tom (quite annoyed): Nico, keep it down. It's personal.

Nico: Sorry. Just kidding, I won't tell nothing.

Tom: Good.

Marshall: Actually it was fun. Kinda surprised that we didn't wake anybody up.

Ryder: Me too to be honest.

While they were talking the rest of pups also woke up and came to dining room.

Chase: Morning guys. Hey buddy!

Marshall: Hey guys!

Ryder: Your bowls are already filled by food, on the left. Bon Appetit.

Pups went to their bowls and started eating breakfast, but something got Marshall worried: Everest didn't come and maybe because of their 'fun' she got sick. He kept eating with slight worry, which Tom had noticed.

Tom: Don't rush buddy.

Marshall: Sorry, I'm just worried.

Rocky (glances on both sides): And I understand why.

Tom: I'm sorry Marsh, but you can't go to check on her. We need to talk about the race.

Marshall (lowers his head): I know. Let's go then.

Chase: Hey don't let worry control you. Skye, can you go check on her please?

Skye: Sure Chase.

Marshall (smiles): Thanks guys.

Skye (kisses Chases cheek): Will be back in 5-10 minutes.

Chase: I'll retell you the briefing.

Nico: Let's go then!

Skye ran to check on Everest while the rest of crew went to briefing room. Meanwhile Everest finished throwing up after waking up with dizziness and sickness. She was also waiting for result of pregnancy test and just when Everest decided to check the result, Skye knocked on the door.

Skye: Everest, it's Skye. Are you alirght? Marshall's worried about you.

Everest: Yeah come in.

Skye opened the door and saw Everest wearing her pup-suit already and with something green on her face.

Skye: Ehhh, what's that on your face?

Everest: Ehh, I threw up.

Skye: Throwing up? Did you feel dizzy?

Everest: Yes.

Skye: Wait! Are you...?

Everest: I'm going to check it.

Everest took her test and got shocked: result was "Positive".

Everest: I am pregnant.

Skye: Awww, I'm so happy for you Eve!

Best friends hugged each other and went to breifing room, where Nico was talking about plan for a race.

Nico: Ok then. We decided to do the same thing, just like in qualifying. Me and Tom will drive steadily, focusing on longer distance. Tom will start the race, I'll take part in middle part and Marshall will drive final distance. And that's where we will use his potential: he will drive with high pace so minimize our loses after mine and Toms stints.

Tom: Sounds good to me. Marshall?

Marshall: Nice plan! I'm in!

Just then Everest and Skye entered the room.

Skye: Oh, you're ended right?

Tom: Yeah we are. Anything to say more?

Everest: Yeah. Marshy, come here.

Marshall got off from his chair and went to Everest who suddenly hugged him tightly and started sobbing.

Marshall: Hey hey, shhh. What's wrong?

Everest (sobbing): I'm pregnant Marshall. We are going to have a puppy.

Hearing these words made Marshall a little bit shocked but then he hugged her tighter adn kissed her cheek, hearing cheers from his friends.

Chase: Congrats guys!

Zuma: Welcome to our new future member!

Tom: So proud of you buddy!

Nico: Good luck being father!

Evershall let each other go and turned to their friends with "Thank you" from their mouths. Just then Skye came up to Chase and nudged him playfully.

Skye: And we are going to have "it"? (smirks)

Chase: Hehehe, Skye! It's Marshalls day today. Just wait, maybe when we will come back, we can try too!

Skye: Ok then babe (kisses him). So proud of Marshall, don't you?

Chase: Of course, he's like my brother.

They kept cheering for 5 minutes and then went to crew garage.

Chapter done! Hope you will like it! Dedication goes to DangerWanders. Nice stories indeed, especially "Cold and Sweet". See you soon and stay safe ))))

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