Mega drama

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2 final hours of race were going quite quickly and things looked very good for Audi and Marshall: their main rivals hit trouble because of cheating and Everest was on her way to hospital to deliver her baby. However, Satoru, who finally went from shocking trap from Paw Patrol decided to call a boss to tell bad news. As Mr.Morimoto was watching the race, the phone started buzzing and feeling that something bad happened, he catuiously took it to his ear.

Mr.Morimoto (coldly): You didn't stop them, right?

Satoru: Ehhh, yes boss (gulps).

Mr.Morimoto (sighs): If you want to get the job done, you'll need to do it by yourself! Where are they?

Satoru: They almost made it to the hospital.

Mr.Morimoto: I'll get rid of these freaking pups at all costs!! Call our SUV convoy, I'll interact them in town!

Satoru: Copy boss!

Mr.Morimoto turned off the TV and went from his cabinet to the exit of paddock, where three black Toyota Land Cruisers were waiting with members, who were having pistols and knifes to attack. Then he got in and they drove off, while their trip, Toyota chief gave an instructions.

Mr.Morimoto: We need to stop a group of colorful vehicles and ATV, they are heading to town hospital. Shoot without hesitation.

Meanwhile Marshall was pressuring Fernando Alonso as hard as possible, so Spanian driver would loss more speed and Marshall could overtake him. But just as Marshall was very very close to Toyota, Fernando turned on him, forcing Marshall to slow down. Every lap the same thing happened, but there was also a light side: during all this aggresive defence, Fernandos' car was losing more and more power, so instead of attacking him all the time, Marshall decided to play with Alonso mentally, so he could make a mistake while defending. Mark realized this plan and got happy.

Mark: That's it mate!! Keep doing it, this is what we need! Come on!

Tom: Atta Marshall, let's go!!

With 20 minutes remaining, Marshall felt that it was time to attack, so when he and Fernando went on Mulsanne straight, he used ERS at full power and easily got past, however almost got pushed into the wall. In Audi garage everyone at first cheered, then gasped and went cheering again. 

Marshall: Let's go!!!

Mark: Nice job buddy!! Now be careful, we're not done yet! Alonso may counter-attack!

Fernando: Dang it, he passed me and I almost have no power!!

Toyota Engineer: Remember the plan!

Fernando: Ah yes, the plan! He's gonna get what he deserves.

Next 10 minutes were the same as before Marshalls' final push, but in reverse: now Toyota driver was trying to overtake him, but Marshall managed to hold his lead. Everyone already noticed that Fernando was trying push Marshall off the track and on last 10 minutes, it was clear: Fernando almost always hit Marshalls' Audi on the rear.

Marshall: He tries to crash me!!

Mark: Understood! Do your best! It's gonna be very hard!

Tom: You can do this Marsh!!!

Meanwhile, Paw Patrol were already in Le Mans, almost making it to the hospital. Skye who was still looking for shortest road from the air, suddenly saw three black cars coming towards her friends.

Skye: Guys, look out! Looks like we have guests. Three black SUVs.

Chase: I don't wanna be a sceptic, but looks like Mr.Morimoto decided to take us all by himself.

Ryder: You need to be very careful, because you're carrying Everest!

Chase: I know!

At this point, Marshall kept defending himself from Fernando Alonso for 15 miuntes already, but he couldn't keep up the pace he had before, because of scary reason. Despite good tyre management, all these attacks and defences caused tyres to go away.

Marshall: No grip, no grip!!

Mark: Final lap! Hold on!!

Engineer: Final lap Fernando, come on!

Alolnso started pushing harder on Marshall and when they were fighting wheel to wheel, Toyota driver started continiously turning into Marshall, trying to push him into the wall. Marshall tried to avoid him somehow, but realizing quickly that it's useless he started hitting Fernando as well. 3 good hits - and he pushed through. But when they got to Porche Curwes, Fernando strongly hit Marshall, that suspension on his Toyota got broken, however Marshall lost control and spun through gravel into the wall.

Mark: Damn it!!

Tom: Hey, that's too unfair!! NO!!

At the same time, Mr.Morimoto forcefuly blocked Ryder and pups, but Chase managed to get through. Still, he felt a sharp pain in shoulder, because one of Toyota members shot at him. It caused to lose control of his cruiser and smash the lamp. Then Mr.Morimoto got out with his crew with sinister smile.

Mr.Morimoto: Well hello, Mr.Ryder! It's time to be... dead!

Chapter done!! Hope you will like it!! See you soon and stay safe ))))

Loss for life of beloved | Marshall X EverestМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя