Final push

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As Marshall was catching Fernando on track, Ryder and rest of pups were getting ready for hard defense from Toyota crew. Ryder decided to put Rocky and his prepared banana machine in front of group for surprise, then Rubble got an idea.

Rubble: Hey, I can use my bulldozer to take them out. All I need to do is go forward and make 180 degree turn.

Zuma: It's actually a good idea dude!

Ryder: Alright, go on Rubble.

Rubble drove in front of group to prepare his move on Toyota crew, meanwhile Chase and Skyes' situation was quite easier to solve. The police pup prepared his spikes as Skye was checking the distance between him and Toyota crew from her helicopter.

Skye: They're 150 meters behind you and approaching fast. Be ready.

Chase: 30 meters - and I'll go for it!

Skye: OK!

She kept checking the distance as Toyota crew was approaching Chase very quickly, moments later the distance was only 80 meters, then - 55 meters. And when Skye saw 40 meter distance, she gave a signal.

Skye: Go now!!

Chase pressed the button and police spikes appeared on road and because of high speed, Toyota crew drove on them easily and popped their wheels, lost control and flew off the road.

Skye: There we go!! You're clear now Chasey!

Chase: Thanks! Ryder, how's yours situation?

Ryder: We're also ready for receiving our guests.

During Skases' operation, Toyota crew was only 65 meters behind Ryder and pups, while Rubble was staying in opposite direction, ready to destory chasers.

Rubble: Ok Ryder. I'm ready!

Ryder: Copy. Count to 10 and you can go!

As they kept driving Zuma turned around to see Toyota crew taking out their pistols and aiming at them.

Zuma: Ryder!! They're going to shot!

Rubble: I'm on my way already!

Ryder: Stay cool Zuma. We're working by plan.

Just when Toyota crew got in 20 meter distance, Ryder and Zuma drove to left and right, letting Rocky to activate his banana machine. Banana peels appeared on road, causing enemies to lose control. Then Rocky drove to the right side of the road, giving access to Rubble who used his bulldozer to smash Toyota crew from their bikes.

Rubble (howls): Strike!!

Ryder: Atta boy Rubble!! Now let's keep going.

Chase: I can see cross road, where I can join you as an escort!

Rocky: Alright man, go on!

Meanwhile Marshall has almost caught Fernando on track, decreasing their gap to only 4 seconds during chase, which lasted 25 minutes. Still, Toyota driver managed to keep that gap for next 5 minutes. Despite good pace and tyre management, Marshall needed to cool engine temperature comparing to Alonso, who had cheating freezing oil filled in his car. This lead to gap increase from 4 to 14 seconds and having only 2 and a half hours to the end of race, many people started thinking that Audi lost. But suddenly the next lap was driven by Toyota driver 4 seconds slower than before.

Engineer: What's happening?

Fernando: I don't know! But I think I started losing power!

Mark: There we go!! Marshall, the time has come! Alonso hit trouble!!

Marshall destroyed that gap by only one lap and was just 0.9 seconds behind Fernando when last 2 hours of race had started. Mr.Morimoto has filled with rage again, but he only devilishy smirked.

Mr.Morimoto: If you think that you already won, I need to disappoint you, Marshall: You already lost!!

Chapter done!! Hope you will like it! See you soon and stay safe )))) 

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