Rescue time

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Audi member ran as fast as he could into Audi garage where everyone were discussing about Nicos strategy through his race stint. At one point, team decided to use Marshall for hard pugh on his first 4 hours of stint, but Owen tried to disagree with it because Marshalls stint was in late night, so Nico should push now. 3 minutes later team agreed to change their plans.

Mark: So Marshall, you won't drive hard and fast on your night stint. You'll push hard on last 4 hours of race OK?

Marshall: Sure.

Zuma: I think it's the best decision. He'll have more strength for bigger pace.

Nico: I think so too. Thanks Owen.

Just then Audi member arrived into the garage panting heavily.

Jack: Woah, what happened?

Audi member: Toyota crew kidnapped Everest. I saw it!

Chase: What?? Why did they do that??

Rocky: Not to mention, she's... 

Luckily Marshall quickly cut Rocky off because nobody should know that Everest is pregnant or things will get worse.

Marshall: Keep it quiet buddy.

Rocky: Oh, sorry man. I got it.

Nico: Wait, dirty smirks on faces of Toyota crew... Looks like they decided to play dirty!

Skye: Anyway, where did they take her?

Audi member: They ran to the track exit. Maybe they went into forest or in town.

Marshall: Town is already odd. We can find them there easily and they can expose themselfes too like this. So they ran to the forest. 

Zuma: But we still have no reason of kidnapping.

Chase: It's easy. Knowing that they won't beat Audi, Toyota will force them to lose the race.

Marshall: Is that because of me?

Owen: Unfortunatelly (sighs) yes.

After these words Chase came to Marshall and put his paw on Marshalls shoulder.

Chase: I know you're worrying about Everest, but you need to focus on race. We'll find her, I promise. You won't lose the race on purpose because we'll find Everest and rescue her alright?

Skye: I promise too.

Rubble: Me too!

Zuma: Yeah!

Rocky: Same!

Marshall (smiles): Thanks guys. Good luck.

Chase: Same to you... brother.

Chase and Marshall hugged each other making everyone smile as Ryder came.

Ryder: What did I miss?

Zuma: Well, Toyota crew kidnapped Everest and we are going to rescue her.

Ryder: Oh, alright. Well, let's exit the garage. PAw Patrol to the Air Patroller.

Mark: Good luck pups! Marshall, you're staying.

Marshall: I know!

Ryder and pups ran to air patroller and went inside wearing their usual uniforms.

Ryder: Ok, Everest is missing and we don't know where. She can be in town or in forest.

Chase: They will hold her in forest 100%.

Ryder: Yeah, you're right. So I need all paws on deck: Chase and Skye, you'll check the whole forest from air. Zuma, you'll check forest reservoirs. Rubble, Rocky, you're going to check caves.

Chase: Chase is on the case!

Skye: These pups gotta fly!

Rubble: Let's dig in!

Rocky: Green means go!

Zuma: Let's dive in!

Ryder: Alright! Paw Patrol is on the roll!!

The pups howled and ran to their vehicles. Moments later, Ryder and pups drove to forest to find and save their friend.

Chapter done!! Hope you will like it! See you soon and stay safe )))))

Loss for life of beloved | Marshall X EverestWhere stories live. Discover now