Worries in Toyota

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While Nico and Tom were preparing Marshall for hard race, in other garage a massive worry was flying in the air. The team which was using it called Toyota Gazoo racing team, easier Toyota. This team won Drivers standings in last season, but now they were losing to trio from Audi: Tom Kristensen, Nico Hulkenberg and Sebatian Vettel. They were also losing Constructors Standings to Audi and 24 hours of Le Mans was the last chance to clench both titles from confident Audi. Head chief of the team Mr.Morimoto called drivers for meeting to talk about it.

Mr.Morimoto: Thanks for coming. As we know, the last race is incoming and this is our last chance to beat Audi in both standings.

Fernando: Unfortunatelly, even if we win this race, Audi need to finish only on P5, so we don't have a chance.

Kamui: And their cars have maximized reliability. So we need to throw off hopes of their retirement from race.

Mr.Morimoto: You don't understand a little. Sorry, not me, Alonso. 

Alonso: About P5? Oh, trio of Kristensen, Hulkenberg adn Vettel should finish on P5 to win Drivers Standings.

Mr.Morimoto: Even if you, Buemi and Vandoorne will win right?

Stoffel: Correct chief!

Kamui: But Vettel got sick and Audi need to find another driver fast.

Mike: I've heard they did it already.

Sebastien: And who is this?

Mike: You will be shocked, but it's a... dog. And I'm not drunk, honestly!

A big silence occupied meeting until Stoffel bursted out laughing then everybody else in hall. Nobody thought that Audi will find a replacement such like this.

Fernando (laughing): Really? Ohh I think they buried their chances for win!

Kamui: I don't think so. He showed time on simulator which was faster than Hulkenbergs. 1.3 seconds!

Stoffel: What?!

Sebastien: No way!

Mr.Morimoto: Calm down!! Kamui, can you tell a bit more about him? 

Kamui: His name is Marshall and he's from Paw Patrol.

Stoffel: Paw Patrol? I've never heard of that!

Mike: It's a group of dogs, who rescue people.

Mr.Morimoto stood silent in thoughts and Fernando noticed this.

Fernando: Are you OK chief?

Mr.Morimoto: Marshall... a mascot for Tom Kristensen. I should've known this! He was Marshalls owner! If we group this connection and good season for Audi... Oh no! We're screwed!

Sebastien: Calm down. Maybe we can do something.

Mr.Morimoto: And we will. Time to play dirty!

After these words he exited the hall leaving his drivers in confuse!

Chapter done! Hope you will like it! Dedication goes to CxS_FanaticsYT! I'm really glad that you're liked my Skase one-shots. See you soon and stay safe ))))

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