Chapter 29: Arcade Fight

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"Let's go speed Racer!" My dad says. We where currently walking to Miguels apartment. "Me and y/n are gonna work  those gimpy legs like a...." we walk in to see a guy, holding up one of Miguels legs. He was on this cushion bed thing. Carmen was there as well.

"Rented mule" my dad says once we get in. "Sorry, i thought you said 10:00 that you'd be alone" I say to Miguel, me and Miguel where supposed to hang out but my dad wanted to hang out with us to help Miguel get back up on his feet.

"I'm sorry, my mom gets free physical therapy from work. And this was the only time Brayden was available.." Miguel says looking up at me and my dad.

"Mahalo" the guy..named Brayden says to us. My dad looks at the guy like he's crazy, then back at Miguel. "Be done soon if you wanna wait..and I thought I was only hanging out with my Girlfriend" says Miguel.

I chuckle. "Well, I wanted to come yeah" my dad says. I shake my head. "Now, if you're feelings any pain, Hermano let me know" Brayden says. "Still no feeling whatsoever" Miguel says looking up at the ceiling. I really feel bad for him, I just hope his legs start working soon.

"No worries. Positive thoughts, remember? You're doing great!" The man says smiling. I see Carmen smiling too.

"At what? Letting you lift his legs?" My dad says. Miguel chuckles. I elbow Dad. "Ouch!" He whispers.

"Johnny, Brayden is a specialist in this field he knows what he's doing" Carmen speaks up. "Slow deep breaths" Brayden says. I see Carmen glare at my dad for a second then look back at Miguel.

They both started to exhale. "Inhale joy and love" the man says. "You gotta be shi*ting me?" My dad says walking a bit forward. "Dad.." I say.

"Johnny..can I talk to you for a minute?" Carmen asks My dad.

Me and Miguel look at each other.

They walk over to the kitchen as I go over to Miguel kneeling on my knees beside him. "You okay?" I whisper to him with my chin resting on his shoulder. "Yeah" he whispers back. He looks over to me and smiles, I smile back.

I give him a quick peck before standing up.

I went on my phone for a second until my dad goes over to me. "Hey, let's go.." he whispers to me. "No, she can stay..I'm talking about you" Carmen says to my dad. "No, I'm taking her, we will be back later" my dad says to Carmen. I was a bit confused, until I waved at Miguel and we left.

We go to the apartment as I sat on the couch and my dad went to get a beer. I then get a text from Sam.

I smile putting my phone down

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I smile putting my phone down. I turn the Tv on.


I was currently behind Miguels wheelchair, we where outside watching Brayden pack his things into his trunk. He closes it.

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