Chapter 34: Canceled

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It's currently, 8:14 am. Me and Miguel are heading to school at 8:40, my dad had to leave to pick up Robby from the juvenile, let's see how that goes.

Me and Miguel where currently sitting on my couch at me and my Dads apartment. "Have you seen Sam around school yet?" I ask him, drinking my juice. "No remember she's not in school. She goes back today like you said" Miguel says.

"Oh that's right! Sorry I forgot" I say. He chuckles putting his hand over my shoulder. I put my juice down snuggling into his arms, as we watch tv. I was currently wearing this:

 I was currently wearing this:

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My hair was down naturally. Me and Miguel continued watching TV.


Me and Miguel where currently, going to study hall which is our 2nd class, and we have it together. I think I have this one with Sam as well. Me and Miguel where holding hands.

That's when we pass by hawk and the other cobras.

We gave them a look, as Hawk gave us one back.

That's when we where walking, Miguel bumps into someone. She turns around and it was Sam. "Oh sorry I~" she says. "I'm sorry Sam" he says. "No, I should've been watching where I was going" she says giving me a hug, I give her one back.

Gosh I missed her, I haven't seen her in a bit. "Me too" Miguel chuckles nervously.

"So uh, congratulations on being back on your feet! Literally" Sam says to Miguel. Miguel looks down at his feet then back at Sam, he then lets go of my hand, that where connected to his.

"Thanks" Miguel smiles. I look down a bit. "Anyways I'll let you get back to your friends" she says looking at Hawk and the others. I look back up. "They're not my friends anymore"Miguel says. Sam shoots me a look, basically asking me if I told Miguel about all that's happened.

"Not after what he did to you guys" Miguel says. I see Sam smile.

"We should probably get to study hall" I say. "I'm actually heading there to" Sam says. "Ok!" Miguel smiles. I kind of felt the tension. I was in the middle as we started to walk.

"So Sam, you think enough time as passed for us to be friends again? Or start over?" Miguel asks.

Sam puts her hand out for Miguel to shake. "Hi. I'm Sam. Nice to meet you"

Miguel shakes it. "Miguel. It's a pleasure" he says. I look next to Miguel to see Yasmine and Demetri making out, what?!

"Yasmine!?" I say. Both Miguel and Sam look over to where I was looking.

Yasmine quickly pulls apart from Demetri. "Hey..uhm, we where just..uh.." Demetri says getting nervous.

"Doing study work!" Yasmine lies. I smile, get it Demetri!

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