Chapter 37: Talk With Daniel

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"He said I sucker-punched him?" Daniel asks me and Miguel. Us 3 where now in the yellow car, we admired. "Did he not mention the fact he knocked me down first?"

"You were moving in on his girl" I say. "They hadn't talked in weeks. I had no idea Johnny even existed when I got to that beach. All I knew was that he broke her radio. She was upset. I was being chivalrous" Daniel says. I chuckle.

"But what about halloween? The water hose?" Miguel asks. "What water hose..these guys were beating the crap out of me every other..the water hose was the least of it, believe me" Daniel says. I smile, this is such a nice story.

"And it was just sitting there. It teed up. Trust me, in my shoes, you guys would have done the exact same thing. Johnny clearly overreacted to that" Daniel said. "I think my dad was just upset because Ali was his first love" I say, and shrug my shoulders.

"Well, she was mine too. There was just something about her. I thought she was the one.....I guess Johnny felt the same way. And that's what started all this"

Miguel was looking down, I see Daniel look at his watch. "Wow, I didn't realize what time it was, I gotta get going" Daniel says getting off the car.

Me and Miguel get off the car as well. "Well, it was good talking to you both, Miguel and y/n" he says.

"From one all valley champ to another" he says to Miguel. I laugh.

He shakes our hand. "Thanks Mr.LaRusso" me and Miguel say. He smiles. "Hey Sam! Listen, I gotta meet up with mom, ok?" Daniel calls Sam. She comes out. "Do me a favor, just put the cover back on the car" he says to Sam. She nods.

He then turns to me and Miguel. "And keep the sparring to a minimum understood?" He says to us. I laugh. "Yes sir" Miguel says. I shake my head. "Yes Mr. LaRusso" I say.

"Understood. Alright" he says, heading to his car. Me and Miguel go to Sam. "He shook my hand" Miguel says. I chuckle. "I think that's a good thing"

"Yeah" me and Sam say. "If only he'd sit with your Senseis and talk the way he did with you guys" she says to me and Miguel. "I'd solve a lot of our problems" she says. "I don't see that happening" I chuckle.

She looks down, then back up with a smile. "What is it?" Miguel says. "I have an idea" she says. Me and Miguel give her a look, smiling. 


Ali and Johnny where currently looking over the pictures they took a few minutes ago. They where both now sitting on a bench. "Man. I look such like a dork" Johnny says. She scrolls to a smiling one. "There, we have a good one" she smiles.

"Finally" she says looking at him. "'s not bad" he says. "This place makes me feel like I'm 17 again. It makes me forget we have 17 year olds of our own" Ali says. "Yeah" Johnny whispers. "I wanna know more about Robby and Y/N" she says.

"I'll start off with y/n...shes very smart, and mischievous..she's such an amazing person. Having her in the house everyday is like fun everyday. She's super nice..she's actually dating my best student Miguel. But I've learned a lot from her..she teaches me something everyday...I love her lots" he says. Ali smiles. "She sounds amazing. I would love to meet her soon" Ali says.

"Soon" he whispers. "Now what about Robby" she says. "Oh I don't know" He says looking down. "Oh come on..tell me, come on" she says. "You wanna know?" He says. "Yeah I do!" She says.

"Well..he's complicated. He's complicated. He's smart. To smart for his own good...he's a heartbreaker" he says. "Like his dad?" Ali says. They chuckle softly. " got two, right?" He says trying to move on from that topic. "I do I do" she says.

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