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Eden had just got home from her shift and was so glad to finally see her bed she fell on it kicking off her shoes as she fell.

"How did it go with Louise and her mum?"
Charlene was then sitting on Edens bed smiling lovingly at her grown up daughter.
"She did what I thought she would" Eden sighed
"Tell me"

Earlier that day in the Hospital

Eden walked into the ER taking deep breaths with every step that she made staring at the scan in her hand while scanning the ER for an attending, doctor Bailey was walking towards her.

"Doctor Abbott is that Miss Hardins scan?" Bailey asked
"Um yeah" Eden answered unsure of how she knew.
"Hunt paged me he saw your scan when he was looking at one of his and paged me to find you" Bailey explained.
"Okay, Miss Hardin is in liver failure"
"Okay" Doctor bailey sighed.
"Wait Doctor Bailey umm shes a drug addict and possibly an alcoholic" Eden told her.
"So no transplant" Bailey confirmed.
"No transplant" Eden didnt realised but her hand was laid on her own donation scar.
"Does she have any family apart from her daughter" Bailey asked
"I dont know the girl, Lousie her dad left when she was a baby but i could ask her" Eden gently suggested.
"Yes you do that but we should move the mum to a ward where its more comfortable. When the mums being taken. Talk to Louise" Bailey agreed.
"Right i will get straight on it" Eden bounced away from Bailey pleased that there could be hope that Louise didnt have to give what Eden did.

Mark saw bailey and Eden talking over a scan, he wanted to check on them but knew he needed to wait till Eden was gone, he watched Eden bounce away from Bailey, for a second he thought maybe she is okay maybe i am just making it up but he quickly shock it off and walked up behind Bailey.

"So hows she doing?" Mark asked over Baileys shoulder who startled unaware he was behind her.
"Doctor sloan what are you?" Bailey jumped.
"Hows she doing?" Mark reiterated
"Eden shes doing fine" Bailey sternly said
"This case its personal to her"
"Hunt filled me in, maybe give her space" Bailey suggested as she wlaked awaky to find how Eden was doing to get their patient emitted.

Eden's room

"So did the little girl give you any information"   charlene asked now invested in the story, sitting with her legs crossed and her head resting on her knuckle listening intently to her daughters day.

"Hmm no she didnt she was a brick wall at first like i was that night so i took a little different approach" Eden lightly chuckled at Lousie's stubbornness that reminded her for herself.
"What did you do?"  Charlene asked intrigued on Edens meathod.

In the Hospital

Eden had what she was going to say rolling over and over in her head then she saw Louise laying by her mums side watching the rise and fall in her chest.

"Hi Louise" Eden whispered
"Doctor Abbott, im not giving you phone numbers" Louise snapped.

Eden pulled a stoll from the corner of the room to the side of the bed infront of Louise.
"Im going to treat you like an adult because you deserve that and you are more than an adult  than most of ghe patients tn the Emergency room right now okay?" Eden started
"Okay" Louise sat up intrigued to hear what the doctor had to say.

"Your mum is in chronic end stage liver failure, which means her liver is swollen, its bleeding, its causing her kidneys to stop working. She needs a transplant do you know what that is" Eden asked the little girl unsure on her knowledge, she couldnt go with what she was like at 5 she knew what transplant was because her dad was a surgeon, her brother and his best friend were dreaming of going into medicine and the older 3 shephards were in medschool so talk about new procedures that they were learning was common for Eden to over hear.

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