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Eden had just arrived to the hospital and was getting ready for her shift on plastcis with her over protective brother who had been hovering over her since their mum died 3 days ago and mama shephard hadnt left yet either.

Eden shut her locker door but pushed it to hard that it slammed getting her friends attention.
"You okay?" George asked as she just nodded walking towards plastics towards her brother.

"So plastics today thats exciting. Plastics is where the money is kiddo" Charlene skipped beside her.

Eden was no longer just hearing her voice her mums presence was pretty permant now she was a bit like casper the ghost sometimes she would disappead then reappear at the most unconvient times.

"Whose excited for your day on plastics?" Mark chimed joining Edens side.
"We are".

"Its the start of the plastics posey" Mark stated getting a side eye and confused look from his sister.
"The start of the what." Eden asked for clarification that she was now not hearing things too.
"The plastics posey. Come on you were born for plastics. Can you not see it Doctor Sloan and Doctor Abbott, brother and sister plastic surgeons we will be the Amelia and Derek  Shepard of plastic surgery." Mark explained.
"No we wont" Eden stomped on the dream.

"You havent even given it a thought kiddo, mark is so excited at least think about it before you smash his dream poor Markey"

"Your mind will be changed by the end of the day" Mark so sure of his words said.
"We will see" Eden firmly said back.

"So umm did you know that mama shephard is still here"
"No thought they left 2 days a go"
"No they are worried about you they are refusing to leave till they know your okay, we are all worried"  Mark casually slipped in.

"Hes the best"

"Im fine"

"So do you want to see something cool?" Mark beamed stopping outside a closed door
"Go on then" Eden invited.

Mark opened the door way bouncing on the spot excited to see Edens reaction.

"What is that?"  Charlene was grossed out by what she saw over her daughters shoulder growing in the petri dish.

"Thats a skin flap isnt it" Eden asked pretty amazed at what she was looking at.
"Yep, I pulled a couple of Stem cells from the baby in utero, 6 weeks later I have grown skin like god" Mark said alittle to excited.
"Thats so cool" Eden said in amazement.

"Hi, sorry i was just coming to check on the skin flap" Addison apologised walking into the small room.
Addison stood in the doorway staring at Mark, the atmospher in the small room changed, Eden looked between Mark and Addison realising that Addison was here for much more than checking on the skin flap.

"Its like a viewing party for the skin flap" Nancy spoke as she too entered the room behind Addison, she too caught onto the atmosphere change between Mark and Addison.

"Eden why dont you and i go do some preop checks" Nancy suggested as she dragged Eden out of that room not waiting for anyones response.

"Markys got good taste"
Eden quickly cringed at her mums comment but she tried to hide her cringe from Nancy.

"So your on plastics today?" Nancy said trying to make small talk and avoiding the elephant in the room between the two of them, Eden knew that Nancy was never one for small talk she always spoke her mind.

"Nancy you dont like small talk just give it to me" Eden sighed knowing the question that was coming.
"Im not Kathleen, i dont know how to support you with what your going through i am trying my best but when you purposefully avoid us, it makes it very hard to do so, you know mum will not leave till she knows for definite that her Eden is okay. You know out of us 5 shephards her favourite is Derek but im pretty sure you are up there with him. Eden you arent biologically my sister but i have known you since you were a day old. I think of you as my sister. Eden if something is going on with you tell  me and I will help you but if you dont tell me i can't help and the longer mum stays in seattle" Nancy explained.

"Nancy shes absolutely fine, shes just seeing her dead mum and talking to her"  Charlene joked getting an eye roll from her daughter.

"Im fine if i go dark and twisty i will let you know" Eden replied
"Dark and twisty?" Nancy laughed
"Sorry, its just a thing that one of my friends says" Eden sort of explained.
"If your fine when this surgery is done you go find mum and tell her because she is worried sick" Nancy instructed

"Eden" Mark called walking towards her. "Its show time, lets go" Eden left Nancy as she ran to catch up with her older brother.

"So you excited to do a surgery alongside marky, get to watch him first hand. Plastics the money" Charlene spoke as she sat on the top of the scrub sinks.
"Its an amazing surgery that mark has worked really hard for" Eden answered.

"Whose ready to see my amazing Skin flap to do its thing" Mark shouted as he entered the scrub room, scrubing in beside Eden.

"My two grown  children working together and i get to watch by your side".

"Was Addison inpressed with the skin flap?" Eden asked innocently
"More than impressed" Mark smirked walking into the OR, Eden then realised what he was intending.
"Oh thats so gross" Eden squirmed following closely behind mark she could hear him laughing.

The baby was then in the OR table laying infront of them with his heart beating on the outisde of his body. Mark and Eden watching as Doctor Altman started to work. Eden felt herself fall back in love with surgery that they could put a minute old babies tiny heart back inside his body and as he grows the scar will get smaller and smaller.

Doctor Altman was then done it was show time for Mark and Eden they both stood up to the table.

"Time to give this baby new skin that Marky grew"

"Eden all i need you to do is hold these still so i can sauture but has to stay still" Mark told her as he handed her the clamps attached to the ends of the skin flaps.

"Right kiddo no pressure you need stay really still. Oh was that a shake you cant shake".

"Eden hold it still" Mark firmly spoke as their mum started to laugh in Edens ear making her hands shake more.
"Eden" mark sneered "thought derek said you have steady hands these are not steady hands".

"Doctor Sloan give her a second" Doctor Altman suggetsed.

"Kiddo you cant ruin this for marky. He grew that skin from scratch basically".

Charlene's comments werent helping Eden at all every time she had managed to convince herself she could do this charlene started talking wavering Edens confidence.

"Do you think you can do this?"
"No no cant do this" Eden shouted pulling herself away from the clamps anyone would have thought they were on fire at the rate she pulled herself away from them.

"Eden" Mark shouted.
"Its alright ive got it, Doctor Abbott why dont you go and get some air" Doctor Altman suggetsed, Eden fell out of the OR door she didnt know what was going on she never felt like this before, her hands were all sweety her breathing was quick and everything felt numb, Eden closed her eyes to focus on her breathing and getting rid of this feeling. Once her breathing had normalised she opened her arms to find that the surgery was over and Mark was on the floor next to Eden, just sitting there quietly.

"How did it go?" Eden asked
"God admire his amazing skin flap and boy it was good." Mark joked causing Eden to laugh.
"Mark i dont know want happened i just felt like i couldnt do it and that i shouldnt have been by your side thats never happened before I dont know what happened" Eden explained

Mark pulled Eden close to him "lets get you home".

The Missing SloanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin