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In a conference room was all the attendings and chief hunt, going over which Residents were staying for their fellowship year and those that were going else where.

"Right, Abbott, Sloan wheres she going?" Hunt asked mark, who thought he knew the answer.
"Shes staying" mark beamed.

The chief was just about to wipe her name of the board when he was stopped.
"Shes not" derek quickly spat out grabbing Marks attention.
"Shes what" mark shouted at Derek.
"Shes not told you" derek realised.
"Told me what"

"Wake forest and Chicago are in a fight for her" derek told mark who was shaking his head in disbelief.
"Are we in the mix?" Hunt asked
"Yes" mark shouted "i dont know" Derek said over the top of mark.

"Thank you people"

"Why did she tell you and not me," mark demanded to know from Derek.
"Maybe because you would act like this" derek told him as he walked away.

"Eden" mark called after his sister who knew what all the attendings did this morning.
"Eden" mark called again.

"Eden Louise Abbott" mark shouted down the corridor, causing Eden to immediatly stop where she was.

"Your full named me seriously" Eden sighed.
"Your considering wake forrest and Chicago" Mark ahouted
"Ahh who told you" Eden carefully asked seeing the hurt in her brothers eyes
"Derek. I heard from Derek. Should have heard from you" Mark demanded.
"I know i know i was going to tell you but i didnt want to tell you till i had made my decision. I told Derek because he asked he got an angry phone call from Nancy saying that I turned down NYU" Eden explained a little further.

"Mark Wake forrest and Chicago are the best plastic programes in the country"
"So is this hospital and im here your friends are here, your fiancès here"
"Rorys moving with me."
"Of course he is" Mark sighing running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"What about the Wedding in two weeks or the apartment hunting?" Mark threw at her.
"The apartment hunting has stopped till we make a decision and the wedding will still happen"

"Your coming with me to Boise. I will show you all that you could achieve if you stayed here" Mark announced walking away to the ER where he was being paged, leaving Eden in the hall way.

Rory had seen the siblings talking so he stayed back so that if it went south he was there for Eden, he saw Mark walk away frustrated.

"Hey, did you tell him?" Rory asked catching up to Eden.
"Yes, now im going to Boise"
"Boise what for the conjoined twins didnt think he needed you?" Rory asked for Clarification.
"Well im going now for him to show me all that Seattle can offer me" Eden bluntly said as she walked away from Rory.

"What have we got?" Mark asked Derek as he walked into the Trauma room.
"Burn victim".
"So i talked to Eden" Marks aid through his teeth.
"Oh you did"
"Shes coming with us to Boise" Mark told Derek, checking the burns, Derek stopped his exam at Mark words.
"Avery, get the burns kit"

"You did what?"
"Im showing her all seattle has to offer"
"You want her stay" Derek guessed as the two of them walked out of the trauma room waiting for the results of the patients scan.

"Of course I want her to stay" Mark snapped
"Mark, they are amazing programmes"
"So is here." Mark shouted as he wlaked out of the ER.

To make sure Eden got to the airport Mark turned up at Merediths house to take her.

"Eden lets go" Mark shouted as he walked into the house to find Eden at the top of the stairs with her bag behind her with Rory.
"Im coming" Eden softly told him.

"Right have you got everything, are you sure" Rory questioned as they walked down the stairs to Mark who was standing there waiting sternly.
"Yes yes i have got everything and yes i will call you when we get to Boise. Stop worrying" Eden smiled kissing Rory.

"Really" Mark moaned at his little sister kissing her fiance forcing them to break apart.

"Well i should go" Eden smiled.
"Yes she really does" Mark sternly said pulling his sister towards the car where they sat in silence to the airport where everyone was waiting for them.

Eden pushed passed Mark onto the plane hoping to be able to sit somewhere not next to mark because she knew exactly what he was going to talk about till they landed.
Mark immediatly sat next to Eden who sighed.

"Nice to sit next to you too" Mark sighed.
"If you stayed in seattle you will be able too.." Mark started
"Are you going to do this the whole ride?"
"Yes, i want you to stay" Mark told her.

"Fine" Eden agreed as she laid her head on his shoulder she closed her eyes listening to Marks prepared spiel about the plastics program at seattle they were the last words she heard before she fell asleep.

When she fell asleep she expected to be woken up by mark nudging her because the plane had landed and she expected to be in Boise. She expected to be teady to work but none of that was the reality she woke up to at all.

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