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Standing looking at the OR board was Webber, he then saw Edens name on there something he hadnt seen in months, something he hoped to see but today he wasnt sure if today was the right day for her to get back in the OR.
Webber looked around him and saw Callie walk towards the board.

"I see Doctor Abbott is doing a Rhinoplasty today?" Webber pointed out, Callie sighed in annoyance.
"Yes three hours. The longest she has been on her leg and i dont know if she can do it. But shephards told me to leave her alone" Callie said in frustration.
"Shes marks sister" Callie sighed.
"I know, everyone feels that they need to be there for her because shes his sister"
"I keep thinking of how Mark would help her and that would be being near her constantly i think if i did that she would tell me to leave her alone but then at least she would be talking"

Callie then saw Avery walking pass them with his intern she knew that he could help.

"Avery" Callie called, Jackson stopped to see who called him he then saw Doctor Abbot floating above Callies head so he
had an idea of why Callie called him.

"We need you to scrub in with Doctor Abbott" Callie instructed.
"Why?" Avery enquured
"She hasnt been on her foot for longer than an hour that surgery is three hours long and she needs to be out by 5" Callie explained further.

Avery thought about it he didnt have any surgeries lined up for the rest of the day so he was available he knew that Eden was strugaing she wasnt herself, she didnt speak to anyone beside her patients and Mark.
He wanted to help he needed to its what Mark would have wanted, Mark would have insisted.

"Fine. I will try and help but she wont talk to me" Avery agreed as he walked off to the OR that Eden was in.

"Shes not talking to anyone?" Webber questioned Callie.
"Shes not been speaking to anyone expect patients and mark"
"Not even doctor Matthews?"
"Shes barely home so they dont really talk"
"She will be fine" Webber firmly and convincingly told Callie as he walked away.

Eden was just about to make her first insicion when someone came into her OR, she looked over her shoulder to see Doctor Avery and his intern Edwards standing behind her  unscrubbed.

"Doctor Edwards told me that she hadnt seen a Rhinoplasty and wanted to see the great Doctor Abbott before she left" Avery told her the reason behind his presence but she knew the true reason he had been sent by either Callie or Derek more than likely Callie.

"Doctor Avery do you want to assist. So we can show Doctor Edwards the" Eden stopped, swallowed pushing back the tears before she said the next part of her thought "sloan way. The only way"

"I will get scrubed" Avery told her softly as she waited for him.

Avery and Edwards joined Eden on the other side of the patient.

"Edwards watch closely, first make an incision here, you have to go gentle and slowly" Eden spoke through what she was doing but she wasnt even aware of her own words because all she could hear in her head was Marks words telling her how great she was doing cheering her on. It was something she didnt know she needed.

Eden then saw the clock above Edwards head and saw the time they had been in there for 3 hours and was coming to the end of surgery the time had flown by and she was starting to feel very proud of herself and her foot, her smugness was suddenly shattered when an immense pain erupted in her foot, she started to wiggly her toes but she couldnt she couldn't feel her foot it was numb, she was cursing herself for feeling proud in herself, her foot was trying to show her she was wrong that the reminder of the crash would forever follow her in the pain in her foot or the pretty ugly scar scraggaly drawn aross her ankle.

In trying to fight through the pain she only made it worse, as the pain intensified it was becoming harder to stay on her foot, to concentrate the intesness of the pain got worse and because of the worsening of it, Eden stumbled backwards landing on the floor as everyone jumped to her side to see what was wrong.

"Doctor Avery close" Eden demanded as she sat up pushing Avery away from her, who shock his head
"Edwards close" Eden sighed in defeat.
"Seriously" Edwards asked in shock.

"Can i get some one, Derek?" Avery ssked trying to be helpful.
"No" Eden sternly told him trying to pull herself up but couldnt as the pain crawled up her leg.
"No" Eden scoffed.
"No, he will just worry" Eden smiled.

"Is there something that we need to worry about" Avery asked her pulling her up to sitting.
"My foot has gone numb thats all it does sometimes. Look if you want to help get me a chair to sit in make sure Edwards is doing a good job" Eden told him as  a nurse ran off to get a chair.
The nurse came back in with a wheel chair that got an eye rool from Eden.

"When i said chair meant an actual chair one without wheels"
"Just sit in it" Avery firmly told her stretching his arm out to her which she took standing to her feet  the pain resurfaced as she put pressure on her foot the pain dulled when she sat in the chair.

"Sloan perfect" Avery smiled at Eden who smiled back laughing.
"Mark would like you Edwards, he would probably hit on you but he would like you"

The OR suddenly and very quickly cleared out leaving behind just Avery and Eden.

"You know the first solo surgery I did was a Rhinoplasty"
"Yes yes that I know" Eden shot him a confused look.
"When ever i did one of these with him, he would always tell me that i needed to watch you do it and he wasnt wrong your amazing Eden"
"The sloan meathod" Eden smiled.

"Edens its nearly 5 oclock, why are you in a wheel chair" derek demanded as he walked closer to Eden who shot out of the wheel chair very very quickly.
"Oh no reason just got a little tired after surgery come lets go" Eden brushed derek off sendign a dont mess with me look to Avery and he obeyed the look.

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