Chapter 17

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School drama

After a wonderful and relaxing weekend.  Alice and Frank were heading back to school , as much as they both really didn't want to go to school they knew that they would survive and have fun with each other at lunch. 

Alice strolled into her first lesson,  as she sat down she was exchanged with lots of weird faces from her classmates. She was so confused, so she asked the girl next to her 'why is everyone looking at me weirdly?' The timid girl was told by her friends not to answer the question that had been asked , but she felt as thought if she was in Alice's shoes she would want to know the answer so she replied with ' oh , um some people are saying that you are using Frank and that you are a hoe, but I don't think of you like that so it's just everyone else.'

 Alice was in total and utter shock , how? Why? And who would think of her like that.  Alice knew that if Frank was to find out this information, he would blow up like a bomb. 

So Alice carried on with her next 3 lessons with the adjective of 'hoe' in the back of her mind. It was eating Alice up to the point where she ended up messaging Frank to ask if he could meet her in the toilets as she needed a cuddle and she knew that she was going to tell him at some point , so why not now, better than late than never. 

Frank was on his way to the toilet after he had received an alarming message from Alice that made him worry about her. While he was by the science classroom,  Harry shouted ' oh hows the hoe , she gave you head yet' Frank was pissed,  how dare Harry talk about his soulmate like that and use that word especially. 

While Harry was pissing off Frank Alice was passing around the toilets she felt like she couldn't breathe. She needed Frank and fast. 

When Frank arrived he was soon greeted with Alice breathing heavily and crying loudly. " Hey bubs, it's ok I got ya " he said as he grabbed a hold of Alice tightly and rubbed her back soothingly. Alice was trying to speak to Frank , but there was no sound that came out of her mouth everytime she wanted to speak.

Frank was panicking himself,  he hated seeing her being full of pain. It was a horrible site. But he was being strong as he waited patiently for her to talk. 

"Did you hear what they said about me?" Alice said , yet it came out like a quiet whisper.  Frank had no idea that Alice had actually been told what they were calling her. He was shocked. Alice didn't know that Frank also had heard. They both needed comfort and they found that in each other. 

They were in the school toilets embracing each other,  just pure warmth and comfort in each other. Nothing else. 

After 30 minutes ,both realised that they needed to go back to their classes. All that Alice wanted to do was cuddle up in franks chest while watching films and then to order a takeaway.  She was tempted to bunk off school. So she said " babes , can we just leave and go to yours to chill and watch movies,  pretty please" the last of the sentence was said with puppy eyes that Frank could not resist. 

Frank wanted to do the same , but Frank also knew that if they did that it would only raise more suspicions and rumors that would make Alice feel even worse . Frank gently grabbed a hold of Alice and kissed her neck lovingly" bubba, go home do the rest of your lessons in bed and ill be round after school with food and cuddles, i'll stay at school and sort all this out , you need to not be here okay!" 

Alice was saddened to hear that Frank wasn't going to be coming with her until after school. Then she was concerned, what was frank going to do while she wasn't there?

Now Frank's Pov

I was raging,  how dare people call my girlfriend a hoe . How disrespectful. Once I made sure that Alice had left school so that she could calm down and relax at home , I was about to become my old self, which Alice hadn't encountered yet and that's why I sent her home. 

I walked up to Harry and grabbed him by his collar slamming him against the red brick wall. I then spat on his face yelling ' who the fuxk raised you like this , to disrespect women and HOW DARE YOU TO MY GIRLFRIEND, THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.  

Once Frank was done with Harry he went to all the little petty girls who thought they were better than everyone. I raised my voice ' listen here bitches call my girlfriend a hoe again and i'll fight all of your "big men" and then you'll see the damage I can do. As I was taught not to lay a hand badly on a woman otherwise I'd fight you all.'

After that Frank was called over by a teacher that had seen his protective and aggressive behaviour towards everyone. 

The teacher had told him , he was to be in detention till the end of the day for his unacceptable behaviour. 

-Time skip-

Alice was huddled in her duvet while watching Ginny and Georgia and doing her chemistry Homework.  When Alice had finished the episode ,she heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs aggressively.  Alice panicked as she didn't know who it was . 

To her surprise it was Frank and by his very readable facial expression,  he was pissed and it would take a lot of sex or something to calm him down. Alice did not want to have sex as she was late for her period and she did not want to embarrass herself while doing the deed. 

Alice beckoned Frank to sit next to her. They cuddle up against each other and kiss longingly and lovingly. 

Alice then ran her fingers through Frank's thick hazelnut bird's nest , then whispered "frank what did you do while I was here " franks stomach did flips, there was no way and in no right meaning for Alice to know what Frank was like. So Frank replied " bubs, i just put them in their position and told them to be careful."  Frank then caressed Alice's cheek and leant in further.

Alice believed what Frank had told her, however she knew that he wasn't sharing the whole story.  

Will Alice find out the whole story from Frank  or from some outsider??

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