Brads First Day of Nursery and the end- Chapter 47

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Chapter 47- Brads first day of nursery

Today was the day that would carry high emotions continuously throughout the Garden Family.

It was a fresh start to the week and everyone was leaving the house today.

Alice and Frank were both in the kitchen making breakfast. Alice was also making a pack lunch for her son's first day away from mum and dad.

"Here we go bubs!" Frank said as he slid the coffee mug over the breakfast island counter.

Alice took a large sip and let the hot liquid travel all the way down her throat and made her emotions react quickly.

"How are you feeling about today?" Alice asked Frank as she knew he would miss not being able to mess around with Brad all day long.

"I'm definitely going to miss my little chipmunk for sure, however I know that he will definitely make some friends and enjoy being a cheeky rascal with them." Frank replied as he moved towards the dining table to start eating his breakfast before he headed off to start work.

"Aw, yeah. I'm sure he will definitely make some friends but I'm gonna miss having his cheeky little personality around the house while I do ordinary tasks." Alice said as she shut the lid of Brad's lunchbox.

Once Alice had checked that everything was packed, she ran upstairs to grab Brad as she left him to get dressed by himself.

"Brad, have you got dressed, like mummy asked you to be?" Alice said.

After no answer from Brad, Alice began to panic and pace around the upstairs of the house.  

Not in his bedroom.  Not in Alice's and Frank's bedroom. Not in the ensuite. Not in the family bathroom.

"FRANK!" Alice shouted loudly from the top of the stairs to her husband.

Frank could sense the panic in his wife's voice so immediately ran upstairs to where she was.

"My love, what's wrong?" Frank said as he hugged alice.

"Brad isn't upstairs, was he downstairs with us?" Alice asked while taking deep breaths.

Alice and Frank walked straight downstairs and searched the entire bottom of the house. 

Frank then looked in the closet under the stairs and turned the light on to see the little boy dressed in his dragon costume whining silently.

"Hey boy, what's the matter, why are you crying?" Frank said as he lifted Brad up and out of the closet under the stairs.

"There's my handsome boy!" Alice cheered with joy as she saw her husband holding her little boy.

"Sorry. I don't want to go to the nursery!" Brad said as he hugged his mummy and daddy as an apology. 

Once everyone had calmed their emotions down. Brad was placed in the booster seat on the chair next to his father.

Everyone had eaten breakfast and was ready to leave the house just before 9:30am.

"Brad's backpack, my handbag, keys and wanda." Alice listed all the things she had and needed before she left the house for the entire day and she wouldn't return until 5:30pm.

The nursery was a twenty minute walk from the house so that was the perfect way for wanda to get her daily walk in.

Brad was not the only garden family member going to the ladybird nursery; Ollie and Belle- Jess's children had also been at the nursery for a few months prior Brad's arrival at the nursery.

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