The Honeymoon-Chapter 39

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Why are you looking so radiant, Mrs Garden!” Said Frank before tapping the seat beside him.

As soon as Alice sat down,  Frank had placed his hand on Alice’s small bump.

Frank loved his and Alice’s love story.

Alice could not wait until she could see their child. She wanted more but as this one currently was not planned , she wanted to wait.


Honeymoon time:

After the best reception Alice and Frank could ask for, they came down from their room and wished everyone a good night and a thank you for attending their wedding. 

"Goodnight lovebirds!" Jess said before tripping over her own feet only to find that Ethan had picked her up. 

"Let me take you home." Ethan said while holding onto her arms to keep her steady. 

"Please , make sure she gets home safe and message me when you drop her off at home. " Frank asked Ethan. 

After Alice and Frank had said their last goodbyes , they grabbed a bowl of salt and vinegar crisps as that was Alice's current pregnancy craving. 

"Got enough bub?" Frank asked before chucking After the statement he had made as he knew that she was definitely going to get more later. 

"Yep, we have indeed. Now I could do a cuddle session with some Netflix" Alice said while holding Frank's hand as they walked up the grand stairs.

Once they had gotten into the room , they finally took their time and appreciated the panoramic view that the balcony gave them of the magnificent house gardens and wildlife in fields far away. 

The wind had picked up, as it was April it was a sharp breeze that hit Alice,  causing her to shiver. Frank saw Alice's body react and grabbed his blazer and draped it over her shoulders before kissing her forehead. 

"I love you two so much," Alice said. 

Alice was a very firm believer in the quote " everything happens for a reason" she truly believed that she was blessed for the rest of her life. 

Even though she knew that at some point the so-called 'honeymoon phase would be over. She couldn't help but keep her fears bottled up and shut away. 

The tv was blaring out random words for random characters that neither of them were actually interested in or had even a clue as to who they were. 

"Let's go to sleep now!" Alice said while yawning and snuggling into the warm sheets. 

---------------- The next morning-----------

Alice was greeted by a knock on their bedroom door.

She went to get up to answer , before she did she felt the cold side of the bed,  so she shut her eyes and pretended to be asleep. 

"Good morning my love, wakey, wakey!" Frank said in a low calm voice. 

Alice stretched her body and opened her eyes and was met with an exquisite view of Frank's 'dad' Abs.  

Man he was so hot. 

The attraction that they both had towards each other was an added bonus towards the love of their personalities. 

Frank was holding a wooden tray that was full of vibrant colors. 

Apples, grapes,mango,passion fruit. Jams and spreads. Toast, croissants and some salt and vinegar crisps. 

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