Chapter 28 "Suspicious"

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The drive was not more than five minutes. But it was a silent drive, the masked men just looked at the three of you. Like they tried to look into your soul. As the van then stopped the men jumped out.
"Come on, get out!" On of them demanded you, Brenda and Thomas. You as calmly as you could got out the car with the two. You were in a building, kinda, the second van came driving up and stopping right next to you guys as you had gotten out. The second van shook violently when it stopped as what sounded like voices came from it. There seemed to be a struggle. All of a sudden the back doors of the car flew open. One of the masked men flew out and hit the ground with a loud grunt. After came raging Jorge, flying on top of the man.
"Where is she?!" Jorge landed on the man and leaned some good punches in his face. You all ran up to stop Jorge.
"Shit!" You and Thomas exclaimed while trying to run up to him but got stopped. The men stepped in front of you making you unable to pass. You looked around and saw Frypan and Newt standing by the second van.
"Everybody relax we're all on the same side here!"One of them told. Brenda seemed to get Jorge to calm down as he saw her. You turned to look at the guy.
"What do you mean same side? Who the hell are you?!" Thomas pushed away one of the guys holding him back, you stepped forward. Wanting to see the guy. The guys sighed and reached up for his mask. Taking it off he revealed the face of Gally..
"Hey greenie, (y/n/n)." Gally looked down a bit as he said it. You were shocked to say the least, but most of all angry.
"Gally..." Thomas said lowly, only you hearing. Gally looked around being uncomfortable with the situation. Before you knew it Thomas went up to Gally and punched him in the jaw. You snapped into reality and quickly went into action. You ran up next to Thomas and stopped him from punching once again.
"Stop, stop, stop!" You held his wrist. Thomas eyes were filled with rage, and Gally looked between the two of you.
"He killed Chuck." Thomas held his fist high, you glanced dover to Newt and he went up to the two of you quickly to help.
"I remember, I was there to. But I also remember that he was stung and half out of his mind." You told him. You felt him loosen up a little. Just then Newt came up and sat next to you.
"Just calm down, Tommy." He to told. Thomas pulled his wrist from your hold. Making you loose some balance as he stood up. You and Newt too stood up and walked back a littel. You went up to Thomas. Putting a hand don his shoulder he still looked angry.
"Trust me, I wanna punch him too. But let's just listen and if he says nothing if a use then I take the next blow." You glanced back at Gally who was now on his feet, rubbing his jaw from the punch. Thomas smiled alittel at you and you turned fully to Gally.

"Kinda had that coming." Gally sighed. "Anybody else Fry, Newt, (y/n)?"
"I don't even know if punching you is enough right now." You said coldly, shocking Gally a littel.
"You know this guy?" Jorge came up behind Frypan and Thomas. Frypan didn't say anything and just shifted from side to side before answering.
"He was an old friend."
"How... how is this possible? I don't understand. We watched you die!" Newt looked at Gally. Not understanding how it was possible.
"No you left me to die." Galky looked between all of you.
"And if we hadn't found you when we did you would be dead right now. Now what are you doing here?"
"Minho... W.C.K.D has him. We're looking for a way in." Newt explained. Gally looked like he had an idea, you didn't like it.
"I can help with that, follow me!"
"I'm not going anywhere with you." Thomas spoke up and looked over Gally. He turned and looked at all of you sighing.
"I don't even know if I want to either..." You looked away from the one you once seen as an older brother figure. Gally felt hurt, not understood completely.
"(y/n)" "No Gally, for six months I thought you were dead and I finally accepted it. Only for find out I've spent my time crying for no reason, you've even been better of than the rest of us."
Newt who stood next to you put a hand on your lower back. You wasn't sad to see Gally again nor happy. Just angry over the fact that you spent time missing someone who even had it better than the rest if you in this place you were at.
"You don't have to trust me, but I can get you through those walls." He had a as straight face ehe could but in his eyes, Gally was pleading you to trust him. You and Thomas had all eyes at you guys. Like the two of you were the once to choose what to do.
You guys agreed.

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