Chapter 6

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    Nat makes toast, along with eggs and bacon, and the sensation of food in my stomach puts me at ease. Bucky still hasn't joined us, which doesn't surprise me. He never did like being around a lot of people. So, I keep eating, talk with the team a bit, and after about ten minutes, he walks out of the hallway. I stop myself from staring before I can't stop. Wanda nudges my ribs, and she gestures to around her mouth. Before Bucky sees, I wipe butter and jelly from my face. When he sits down, everyone goes silent. They look from me, to him, and back to me.

    "What's everybody looking at?" He mutters to me as he stuffs grapes in his mouth.

    "We're looking at you two lovebirds." Nat smiles at us from across the table. Bucky nearly chokes and I look at my now empty plate.

    "I'm sorry what? Did I miss something?"

    "They think that we're totally in love with each other... crazy right?" I say, biting the inside of my cheek.

    "Right..." We both laugh awkwardly, and I get up before things can get anymore awkward. After I put my plate in the sink, I call out to Wanda and gesture towards the bathroom. She nods and follows me.

    "Wanda, this is so embarrassing." I slide down to the floor, Wanda sits beside me,"How can I be in love with my best friend? Signore abbi pietà della mia anima."

    "First of all, I'm your best friend, he's the love of your life. Learn the difference. And, second of all, is it really bad enough to pull out the italian?"

    "Yes it's that bad, Wanda. And, he's not the love of my life."

    "You don't know that."

    As we sit talking about my boy problems, we hear a knock on the door,"Y/N, are you alright?" Oh god, it's Bucky. Wanda fixes my hair, pats my cheeks to give them color, and gives me a thumbs up.

    She opens the door and walks out, giving a sly smirk at Bucky. He shifts his attention to me, who is still on the floor. I frantically stand up and straighten out my pj shorts. When I realize how disordered I look, I hide my face in my hands

    "I'm sorry... I'm a mess." All I hear is him slowly walk towards me, my face still hidden in the palms of my hands. 

    "Hey, Doll," His calloused fingers cautiously wrap around my wrists, and he slowly moves them from my face,"It's ok. We're all a little messy sometimes."

    "No, Buck. You don't understand. There's just... something going on with me that I can't exactly explain. Especially to you. I'm sorry I wish I could-"

    "Stop apologizing for being human, Y/N" Releasing his grip on my wrists, he wraps my arms around him, and embraces me. The thing that nearly gives me a heart attack is the light kiss he plants on my forehead. It felt as though that small yet overwhelming gesture would never end. Once he realizes what he's done, he steps away from me and runs his fingers through his messy yet gorgeous hair,"I'm so sorry, I didn't realize-"

    "Stop talking." And before I know it, my lips are pressed to his. It may have only been a few seconds, but it made me overflow with giddiness. Once I step away, I cover my mouth with my hands. Bucky stares at me in shock and what looks like disgust. Oh, you've really done it now, Stark. I can't stand the silence anymore, so I walk around Bucky, towards the door. But, before I can open the door, my wrist is grabbed once again and I'm spun around to face Bucky. He wraps his hands around my waist, which stops my breathing completely. My face is close to his, our eyes meeting.

    He quietly asks,"Is that what you couldn't explain?" He still has me trapped in his icy haze and his tight embrace. There is a twinge of anger in his voice, and it scares the living crap out of me

    "It was. It is. Look... I'm-I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that..." His grip tightens on my waist as one of his hands moves up to my cheek, and he pulls me closer.

    Just before our lips touch, he stops and whispers,"Meet me on the balcony in five minutes." He gives me a quick pec and walks out.

What. The. Hell. Just. Happened.

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