thirty one || alpha male

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Monday, October 19th- 5:06 p.m.

Once Coach had finally ended practice, I stayed out on the field stretching like I usually did. Since Calum hadn't been at practice, it was just me this time.

I sat stretching out my legs with my phone between my legs, looking through my notifications as I went. I could hear the team moving back towards the locker room behind me, leaving me and the field to myself.

At least so I thought- until a body sat down in front of me.

His smile lit up my face as soon as I looked up, just his presence being enough to pull me from the dark place that was my mind. His eyes fell to that green I adored, bringing me comfort I couldn't explain.

He scooted closer to me, picking up my legs and moving them so they laid over his now. He sat as close as he could to me, making me roll my eyes as I couldn't stretch anymore.

"Were you not done yet?" he laughed as he saw my reaction.

I shook my head at him. "No, Ash. I wasn't."

"Oh, well. Now you are," he told me with a snarky tone.

I scoffed at him as he scooted back and stood up. He held out his hands to help me up, smiling down at me as he waited.

"Come on," he complained.

I rolled my eyes again, putting my hands in his. "You're the one who gets to listen to all my complaining tomorrow when my legs hurt," I told him. As soon as he gripped my hands to help me up, I pulled him back down towards me with all the strength I could. Laughs fell from my lips as he fought me back, eventually winning and yanking me into his arms.

"Oh, you thought you were slick?" he laughed as he held me in his arms.

I wiggled out, running away as he chased after me. I screamed quietly as I turned to see him chasing after me. I stopped in place, switching directions to throw him off. I gained ground on him as he switched to follow me, but caught up quickly.

I stopped again, getting ready to jump in another direction. He stopped too, jumping the same way I had, wrapping his arms around my waist as he caught me. I laughed as he pulled my back into his chest, picking me up off the ground to stop my escape.

"Not so fast, are you?" he commented as I doubled over into myself, holding his arms as I tried to pry them off my center.

Moments like these were the reason I craved him so much. In these moments I felt the happiness I hadn't experienced since before summer- well, til him. I felt that contentment that made me want to feel my emotions instead of numb them. It kept me from wanting to drink till I couldn't feel anything because I wanted to feel the happiness I felt only with him.

"Put me down," I whined as he held me off the ground.

He let me slip down through his arms, my feet finally reaching the ground. He rested his head over my shoulder, making me laugh as I turned to face him. He leaned in to kiss me as he gave me a squeeze, making me smile into him.

He broke away, pushing me forward as he leaned down to pick up his stuff. "Okay, let's go," he told me as he walked back towards the bench with me.

"Let's go where?" I asked with a sarcastic tone, knowing he wouldn't tell me anyway.


"-find out," I finished for him, knowing that would be his answer. "What's new?"

He gave me a funny look as I finished his sentence. I gave him a cocky smile, watching as he shook his head at me.

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