forty eight || trust shatters easily

692 14 12

Saturday, October 31st- 9:20 p.m.

As the night grew later, the team fell to the same thing it always did- a circle in the living room. We'd shifted to a different room this time around as the usual living room was still full of other bodies, but we found ourselves in a circle in the gaming room.

Tonight's game carried over the same rules as last time, being more of a truth or drink than truth or dare. I'd brought my own cup with me this time, knowing exactly what question would be continuously thrown at me.

And I was right. Every single time it landed on Ashton and me, we'd taken a shot. The same question was being asked, just rephrased a different way.

"What are your kinks, Annie?"

"Who's freakier, you or Ash?"

"What was the most surprising thing she asked you to do?"

"What's her kinkiest thing?"

We'd opted to drink every single time, hoping eventually it would prove to them neither of us were going to answer.

Ash was about five shots deep, me only about three, but both our tolerances had died off a bit from our absence from drinking. we were both very far from being considered drunk but I would say I definitely felt a little tipsy.

I wasn't paying very close attention to the questions, rather leaning back on Ashton's chest instead. At this point when it landed on either of us, we picked up the cup, knowing what was coming anyway.

After a while, Andrew stood up from the circle, announcing he would be back.

"Don't attack a girl upstairs while you're gone," Calum commented in a snarky way.

"Ah, man, fuck you," Andrew commented back, walking farther away.

"Can't tell me I'm wrong," Calum shrugged, taking another sip from his cup as the circle went back to the previous conversation.

It landed on me and Ash again, making me sigh as I leaned forward for our cup.

"Wait, wait, no," Aj stopped me from across the circle. "That's not my question."

"Oh, god, and what could it possibly be rephrased as this time?" I asked sarcastically, finding no humor in this.

"No, I don't care about that question," he assured me, making me look at him skeptically. I held our cup still, waiting to hear what other shit he would manage to come up with.

"I know you won't tell us what kinks you do have, but that just means you're a virgin, right?" he asked, everyone's attention on me.

"No, I'm not," I laughed back, setting down the cup. I could feel the pain between my legs from last night, knowing the only other person who could possibly be thinking the same thing was sitting behind me.

"So you slept with Ashton then?" he continued on.

I shrugged my shoulders, not giving them a yes or a no. "It's not my turn anymore."

"Oh, I see how you're playing this game," Aj replied cockily, leaning back in his spot with a smirk on his face.

"Ya know actually, I think I hooked up with your best friend at the end of sophomore year," I told him, trying to recall a name. Aj stopped his smirk as he looked over to me silently.

"What was his name?" I finally asked, snapping my fingers as I tried to think.

"You mean the team captain that graduated last year?" Calum offered up from the other side of the circle. "Owen?"

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