Chapter 4

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Collins P.O.V


Finally I can get out of this horrible place! 7 hours is way to long to sit in what feels like prison and the food is not far from prison food if I'm guessing correctly. Today for lunch we had something that was supposed to be pizza but it tasted like cardboard! I sat with all "the boys" and Macy today and I remember Harry's face when he ate his piece of pizza he was all excited to eat because he said he was "starving" and he bit into it and the face he made was priceless. What he said after was even more hilarious because he was mad and rambling on how he  thought  that America's food would be better than what he just ate. He was also calling it "rubbish" and "foul". Louis then had to comfort him and whisper in some soothing words in his ear, Just let me say ALL FIVE OF THESE BOYS ARE CRAZY! But I think I have figured out all their; let me say unique personalities (yep just in one day...I can read people like that). Harry is the flirty one. Louis is the funny one. Liam is the sensible one. Niall is the food LOVER. Zayn is the quiet one. I really like all five of them, and they have cool accents!

"Hey!", Macy shouted while jumping on my back.

"Well Owww!", I shouted back. "Get off of me fatty," I said shoving her off my back.

"How hurtful I think I might cry", she said rubbing her fake tears off her face.

"Oh shut up, and why are you following me home your house is in the opposite direction". 

"Oh I know but I wanted to ask you a question," she said excitedly.

"That is?"

"Do you think Niall would say yes to going on a date with me?" Macy asked.

"You just met the guy Macy, why don't you just wait until you know him a little better."

"But basically I do you know me I am a die hard Directioner which means I know everything about them," she replied.

"Whatever,do what you want Macy I really could care less," I said.

"Oh what a great best friend I have," she said wrapping her arm around my shoulder,and I could sense the sarcasm in her voice.

"I guess I should head home then," she said turning around and waving goodbye.

I waved goodbye too and kept walking towards my house. Usually my mom comes and gets me from school and takes me and my sister home but my sister has a game today after school and on game days I get to walk 4 miles to my house,because my mom says that I need the exercise.(I believe though that she just doesn't want to have to waste gas money coming to get me) My mother is a extreme cheapskate. I told her once she needed to go on that show Extreme Cheapskates and I got grounded for a week. I then put my headphones on and started listening to Taylor Swift's new song I knew you were Trouble. But during my thought rampage going on in my head and the blaring music I ran into something and that something was really hard causing me to fall to the ground.

"Owwww!Oh my gosh that really hurt,"I said rubbing my head trying to ease my pain while pulling my headphones out of my ears.

"Collins?" I heard a voice say but I didn't open my eyes cause it seemed to help the pain keeping them closed.

"Collins were you not watching where you were going?" the voice said laughing a little bit.

I opened my eyes finally to realize it was Liam Payne I had ran into.

"I guess not,"I said still rubbing my head.

I stared laughing and my cheeks started to turn red because I was embarrassed. 

"Did we bump heads," I asked.

"No, you ran into me while I was walking out of the hotel," He said still laughing. "Here let me help you up," he said grabbing my hand and lifting me up to were I was standing again.

"Oh, I didn't even realize I was beside the hotel yet," I said turning a dark shade of red.

"Are you okay... you hit your head," he asked looking into my eyes to see if I was really okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine thank you", I said still deathly embarrassed.

"Would you like to come to our room and I can get you an ice pack," he asked.

"Uh, I need to get home and study for our test tomorrow but why not," I replied.

"Alrighty then just follow me," he said laughing as we wen't into the tall building.

Okay hey guys! I know this is not the best chapter it is really a filler chapter but it has its purpose and next chapter will be better promise!(: Also I know I said this chapter would be longer but I havent updated in a while and I felt like I needed to update so I promise next chapter will be LONG(: (and please don't be mad)



All the Little Things (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora