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Collins P.O.V.

2 Days Later

I was officially signed to SYCO records, my parents and I signed the contract just a moment ago.

"Okay, your all set Mrs. Taylor, but Simon would like to know if you wan't a stage name?" Phil asked walking back into the office.

"Stage name?" I questioned back.

"Yeah, you know like Lady Ga Ga that's not her real name this is your chance to change yours on stage!" Phil responded happily.

"You always wanted to be named Demi for some reason Collins," my mother butted in the conversation.

"Demi?" Phil pondered to himself for a minute..."I like it! Last name?"

I glanced around the room looking for something that would give me an idea like I had done before, with mine and Liam's baby project. I then caught a company name Lovato on Phil's coffee cup...

"Lovato?" I asked Phil hopefully.

"Demi Lovato," he said to himself. "It has a nice ring to it; Demi Lovato it is!"

My mother, father and I all stood up to leave the studio, but Phil caught me by my arm. "Tell Liam I said hi," Phil added then congratulated me one last time.

I just nodded and faintly smiled at the thought of Liam, because I was still IN MAJOR love with him. I had to break up with him for the best though, long distance relationships just don't ever work...

Liam's P.O.V.

"Got everything together to go home mate?" Louis asked patting me on the back whilst grabbing some suitcases.

"Yeah Lou," I smiled and grabbed the last of my things from my bedroom. As I was leaving my room I noticed something sparkling in the sunlight on my dresser.

It was Collins promise ring.

I still had her engagement ring and couldn't refund it, so it is now just a bad memory for me to keep.

Now I have two bad memories to keep...

I took one last look at the hotel room were I fell in love for the first time and closed the door to go back home to England, so maybe I could move on like Collins said...

As Loki and I entered into the limo to go back to the airport memories started flooding back into my head . I remember running into Collins and having to get her peas for her head because there was no ice in the freezer. I remember Macy and Niall falling for one another. I remember kissing Collins for the first time; we didn't even know we kissed one another till after the party, and all the lights turned back on.

"Liam are you alright mate?" Harry asked looking at my tear streaked face with sympathy.

"I'm good," I replied assuring Harry I was fine; I was just going to miss this place...

"Ready boys?" Paul asked from the passengers seat.

We all nodded then out of no where as we pulled out of the hotel parking lot Mrs. Winters voice came into my head strangely saying, "I told you life is not always about the big things, sometimes its about All the Little Things."

Hey Guys! That is it All the Little Things is officially over! I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Also, to those of you who really liked it there WILL BE A SEQUEL!!! THANKS FOR READING AND I HOPE YOU'LL READ THE SEQUEL! (:




Hey! The Sequel is called Over You if you wanna check it out!

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